ACAD 2005 - Trying to modify default search paths

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JohnSmith, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. JohnSmith

    JohnSmith Guest

    I have created a network deployment using the "Network Installation Wizard" and I tried modifying the search paths to point to a subdirectory inside the AutoCAD 2005 install directory instead of the users "Documents and Settings" folder. Everything appears OK until I actually do the install on the client machine. The preferences are set correctly to the install folder, but the files themselves are being installed to the user "Documents and Settings" folder. For example, I set the menu location to <INSTALLDIR>\custom\support, but the acad.mnu file is being placed in the "Documents and Settings" folder. I then get an error message when I start ACAD that it can't load acad.mnu.

    Is there a way to change the location of where the files are actually installed to? Preferably using the network installation wizard.
    JohnSmith, Dec 20, 2004
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