Acad 2005 Authorization & Licensing questions...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by steedj, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. steedj

    steedj Guest

    I use the network version of AutoCAD 2004. We have already received our upgrade 2005 network version CD (10 seats) and we have plans to upgrade in a couple of months; However, in the mean time, I would like to install a temporary standalone version of AutoCAD 2005 using the upgrade CD. Here's my questions:

    1.) Can I actually install a standalone version of AutoCAD 2005 using my upgrade CD?
    2.) If so, and If I want to use 2005 for more than the trail period (i belive it's 30 days), can I obtain an Authorization code?
    3.) If so, will I still be able to unload the standalone 2005 and then reinstall the 2005 Network version without running into any licensing or Authorization problems?

    Joey Steed
    Tucker, GA.
    steedj, Jul 22, 2004
  2. steedj

    Allen Jessup Guest

    1) I believe so but I've never tried it.

    2) No. You can only Authorize Stand alone or Network. Not both.

    3) I haven't heard of any problems uninstalling the trial and installing the
    network deployment.

    I'd suggest you get your network licenses and upgrade FlexLM. Then combine
    the .lic files so that you can install the deployment on your workstation
    while also having 2004 available to you and the rest of your users.

    If you are a subscription customer I don't think you have to worry about how
    long you run both. If you aren't there is a grace period. Check your EULA.
    If you went a little over on the one seat installed concurrently I don't
    think there would be any real trouble.

    This way you get to perfect the network deployment right away. I don't think
    you'd have much of a problem rolling 2005 out soon after that. While there
    is quite a bit on new features to become familiar with. You can pretty much
    keep using it like 2004 until you become familiar with it.

    I'm running 2004 off the license server right now while the rest are running
    2004 out of the same .lic file.


    upgrade 2005 network version CD (10 seats) and we have plans to upgrade in a
    couple of months; However, in the mean time, I would like to install a
    temporary standalone version of AutoCAD 2005 using the upgrade CD. Here's my
    belive it's 30 days), can I obtain an Authorization code?
    reinstall the 2005 Network version without running into any licensing or
    Authorization problems?
    Allen Jessup, Jul 22, 2004
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