Acad 2000i error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mitch at ES, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Mitch at ES

    Mitch at ES Guest

    I have recently lost use of my 2000i installation. Upon starting the
    application, I get an error message that the program has performed an
    illegal operation and will be shut down. Error details show and
    "invalid page fault in module AC1ST15.dll" with more details. I have
    removed and reinstalled a couple of times, but to no avail.

    Any ideas what is going on?

    system: Dell Latitude CPi A366XT running Win98 S.E.

    Mitch at ES, Jun 8, 2004
  2. Mitch at ES

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Have you recently installed or upgraded Norton Anti-Virus?
    Paul Turvill, Jun 8, 2004
  3. Mitch at ES

    Mitch at ES Guest

    My Norton installation is not recent (15 months maybe), but I recently
    updated my virus definitions. The computer I'm having trouble with is
    my field laptop, so it doesn't get on-line much. Do I need to remove
    NAV to install Acad?
    Mitch at ES, Jun 8, 2004
  4. Mitch at ES

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Try it. That's been an issue for many folks.
    Paul Turvill, Jun 8, 2004
  5. Mitch at ES

    Sporkman Guest

    Specifically there are sometimes issues with installing some kinds of
    software while Norton AV is running. Turn it off, then reinstall. I
    know SolidWorks has a problem like this and SolidWorks Corp advises
    always to turn off AV software before installing.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Jun 9, 2004
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