ACAD 14 - Tool bars have lost their Icons

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by chuckyx, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. chuckyx

    chuckyx Guest

    ACAD 14 - Tool bars have lost their Icons, and those EVIL little smiley faces are all over the place, taunting me!!! I have had to reinstall ACAD 14 because of network issues, and it all looked fine when I first re-loaded my menus, but after making some changes to me support file search path (just added some directories, which I have since deleted) all of my pretty little pictures are gone. I was smart enough to make backups of all of the *.bmp files and have also copied them into my support directory, but it doesn't seem to locate them. Is there any way I can tell which file a toolbar button is actually looking for? Please help me, before the little smiley faces get me! :)
    Thanks, Charlie
    chuckyx, Sep 12, 2003
  2. chuckyx

    chuckyx Guest

    thanks, it worked, but I need to know what I can do now. Now when I make a change to the tool bars (like relocating one of them) it doesn't want to save my changes the next time I open ACAD. Any clues
    chuckyx, Sep 12, 2003
  3. chuckyx

    Tom Smith Guest

    There is a good tutorial somewhere called (more or less) "the right way to do toolbar customization." I can't remember where I saw it, maybe you can find it by searching on "autocad menu customization." Basically it says you need to hand-edit the MNS file in order to really do things properly and avoid smiley problems.


    Toolbar location is squirrely in some versions of Acad. I'm not sure it's saved unless you actually save a drawing. In 2000i I found my toolbars wouldn't stick in some arrangements. Finally I found a place they'd stay & just left them there.


    chuckyx <> wrote in message news:...

    thanks, it worked, but I need to know what I can do now. Now when I make a change to the tool bars (like relocating one of them) it doesn't want to save my changes the next time I open ACAD. Any clues
    Tom Smith, Sep 12, 2003
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