ACAD '04-What is on screen will not plot

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by vtminer, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. vtminer

    vtminer Guest

    I am a pretty avid ACAD user, however, I have never encountered this problem. ACAD will not plot what is on the screen. I have all of the layers, including the xrefs, on and I can see on the screen in both MS and PS what I want to plot, very little will actually plot or be shown in full preview. The original drawing (a map, which was created about 9 months ago) seems to show up ok on the plot preview, however, since the original drawing was created, most updates have been done with external references. And, up until yesterday, no problems were experienced using this method. However, something happened internally within ACAD and now I can't get what is on screen to plot correctly. I believe that I had a glitch about 2 months ago where the "PICKFIRST" command somehow set itself to 0 when it should have been 1. This is a registry command that ACAD '04 managed to execute itself or through an error. Since this glitch happened, it leads me to believe that another registry command was somehow self-executed and changed my plotting style. Please help if you can. Otherwise, I'm just going to have to reload ACAD on Friday. Thanks!
    vtminer, Aug 5, 2004
  2. vtminer

    Paul Turvill Guest

    If objects aren't showing in either Plot Preview or on plots, there's a good
    chance that those objects are on layer(s) with the 'no plot' property set.
    They could also be in the DEFPOINTS layer, but that is less likely.

    problem. ACAD will not plot what is on the screen. I have all of the
    layers, including the xrefs, on and I can see on the screen in both MS and
    PS what I want to plot, very little will actually plot or be shown in full
    Paul Turvill, Aug 5, 2004
  3. vtminer

    vtminer Guest

    Thanks, but I've already checked both of those options and it's neither.
    vtminer, Aug 6, 2004
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