Acad 04 Stops Working after SP2 for XP Pro

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kaai, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. Kaai

    Kaai Guest

    We recently installed SP2 for XP Pro and Acad 04 stopped working. Tried
    uninstalling Acad, cleaning out anything in the reg, reinstalling and still
    no luck. It seems to be unable to obtain a license from the FlexLM. Other
    computers have SP2 and are working fine, obtaining a license...
    The computer works fine, except for Acad. We get this error
    "A valid license could not be obtained by the network license manager...
    Error [1.5.-16]"
    If anyone has any suggestions, better ways to clean out Acad after
    uninstall, anything...

    Kaai, Aug 25, 2004
  2. SP2 enables the Windows Firewall which is now blocking the license manager
    ports. We use TCP port 2080 and TCP ports 27000 through 27009. You will
    need to configure the Firewall to allow these ports or disable the firewall.
    Search the Microsoft site for WF_XPSP2.doc, that will bring you to a
    Microsoft whitepaper that discusses the Firewall settings.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Aug 25, 2004
  3. Kaai

    Kaai Guest

    But the XP firewall is off...
    Kaai, Aug 25, 2004
  4. Kaai

    edurham Guest

    I have the same problem. XP SP2 was installed on several ACAD networked computers but only having the problem on one. Exact same error "Error [1.5.-16]". It's like it can't see the license server, but I can ping and even browse the server.
    edurham, Sep 28, 2004
  5. Kaai

    dstein Guest

    Compare the DCOMconfig settings for Acad.exe to see if there are any differences between an XP/SP2 client that works properly from another that doesn't. Firewall changes are one aspect of SP2, but DCOM changes are another.
    dstein, Oct 16, 2004
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