AC analysis for a NMOS

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by mxkdirs, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. mxkdirs

    mxkdirs Guest

    I am running a simple ac analysis (1GHz to 5GHz) for single NMOS
    transistor. The schematic is setup as shown in the link

    I am getting wierd results and I thought something might be up with my
    dc/ac blocking elements. I know I will need dc blocking cap but I
    wasn't sure about ac blocking inductor. Please look at the schematic
    to see what I am saying. I am undergradute and I don't know how to put
    the question: I guess what I'm asking is that if I have an inductor as
    ac block (meaning approx. open circuit) but wouldn't it stop my dc Vgs
    to get to the NMOS gate because I'm running my simulation from 1GHz to
    5GHz and at that high frequency inductor will be like an open. I don't
    understand how ac analysis work. Does ac analysis look for dc sources
    to fix the bias and then run ac simulation? Also, after running ac
    simulation how can I tell if my NMOS is biased as Analog Environment
    doesn't allow me to print DC operating points after an ac simulation.
    Thank you
    mxkdirs, Oct 24, 2005
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