Abuse report Gruhn

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by per.corell, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. per.corell

    per.corell Guest


    The abuse is what this old usenet dryass distribuate on the web,
    concerning my work my person and the way he do so promoting social
    harasment and group bullying.
    Like so many other old dryass usenet fanatics this dinosaur is as saur
    as his words, no one else must display a creative thought and the web
    is here to promote this guy and his 20 year old "high-tech" idears that
    is rather lego thinking than creativity, what he call creativity is
    group bullying and mule acting.
    Such guy's must be stopped before they dry out.
    per.corell, Mar 6, 2005
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