about writing primary units: fraction

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gilevgi, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. gilevgi

    gilevgi Guest

    I am using Autocad 2007. I have two problem.

    1. I am using fraction ( horizontal format) as primary unit in
    dimension style. But it writes all of fractions as whole number and
    simple fraction, for example it writes 3 1/2 but I want it to write as
    compound fraction i.e. 7/6 instead of 3 1/2. Can I do set as default
    in dimensional style? and if ok, How?

    2. When it write fractions as mentioned above, whole part of fraction
    is much bigger (in terms of font size) than fraction's numbers. for
    example, it measure distance as 2 3/4 but 2 is bigger than 3 and 4
    with respect to font size. Can I adjust it such that all of the
    numbers have same font size?

    Thanks in advance
    gilevgi, Feb 15, 2011
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