About trail file function

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Raymond, Jun 28, 2003.

  1. Raymond

    Raymond Guest

    Does anyone know and how to make use of it,
    I know a little about it that it may recover a
    file and will show the previous steps that done on the file.

    Many Thanks,

    Raymond, Jun 28, 2003
  2. Raymond

    David Janes Guest

    PTC is quite used to Pro/e puking, blinking off, crashing, whatever you want
    to call its instability. They've devised a method of tracking Pro/e's
    activitity to try to identify where and how the problem occured. Sometimes,
    when you are dealing with their support people, they'll want you to send
    them a trail file. Trail files will be stored in a directory, identified in
    the config.pro as TRAIL_DIR, though, by default, it may place the files
    somewhere else until you give it a path name for this option.

    However, since this file is a record of every menu pick the user made since
    starting a session, it can be useful for other things, such as recreating a
    part that got lost with a crash. This is not very reliable unless the part
    was created successfully before Pro/e crashed. Then you would have to edit
    the trail file to stop it before the crash occurs or you will simply repeat
    all the circumstances leading up to the crash and the crash itself. Kind of
    self defeating. Trail files also don't stop until you close the program, so
    the last thing in the trail is the program closing. That's not bad if it
    closes Pro/e after it saves your file. For file recovery, it's a huge pain.
    It is usually easier to pick an earlier numbered version of the file and
    start from there than it is to reconstruct a file from its trail. Also, most
    bench marking 'programs' for Pro/e are nothing more than trail files running
    Pro/e to check times for certain operations. This kind of trail useage is
    like a really big macro to perform certain tasks on the clock. The problem
    you'll run into with these is that the trail is very literal. You need to
    have everything set up, especially all the files it will be looking for in
    the directories where it expects to find them. If those directories don't
    exist or the files aren't in them, the trail file simply exits without
    comment. When baby burps, it never says 'excuse me'.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jun 28, 2003
  3. Raymond

    Bill McBride Guest

    I cannot say that I have ever had a trail file rebuild a model successfully.
    Everywhere I trim the file back it crashes out, more than anything else it
    was a good idea that ends up gobbling disk space up.


    Bill McBride, Jun 30, 2003
  4. Raymond

    Dave Parker Guest

    I used to copy analysis results (distances, areas, etc.) from the
    trail file to Excel to use in calculations. With ProE 2001, I just
    copy from the message log (Info/Session Info/Message Log).

    Dave Parker
    Dave Parker, Jul 1, 2003
  5. Raymond

    meld_b Guest

    Hello, Does anyone read these ancient posts? I just ran my first trail
    file with Pro/E wildfire today and I was pretty happy with the results.
    I did have to go to the help first (I hit my speed dial for the PTC
    hotline, and while on hold, I found the help screen) Renamed the file,
    played it right into the crash again, Edited it once ... still crashed,
    edited a second time and it worked great. Where I snipped the file off
    was where I could see a whole bunch of "Spin" view manipulations that
    are basically repeated over and over.

    To be fair, I was very familiar with this editing based on Mechanica
    use. Hope PTC keeps this around...

    I edited a chamfer on a hole smaller than the hole by mistake... a
    couple of trips into the Quick Fix and the whole app went down.

    meld_b, Oct 3, 2003
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