About the test point with Allegro

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wilcn, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. wilcn

    wilcn Guest

    I am working with a PCB, which would be tested with a bed-of-nail
    fixture, so every net need a test access; For some critical net for
    the partion-ability of the circuit under test, I have attach a test
    point to the net within the schemtics, and later was populated in the
    layout; then I query the test point availability on the net, but to my
    suprise, I got no test point on the net, meawhile, a "<TP_<n>.Pin1 is
    not test point" message in the command window.

    How can I make the Allegro be aware of the existance of the

    wilcn, Oct 25, 2007
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