About Skill and Ocean application

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mobil, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Mobil

    Mobil Guest

    Hello all,

    Just asking a silly question, what is the advantage of skill and
    ocean in circuit design and simulation and what is the situation (as
    digital/mix signal design or analogue/RF design) suitable to use skill
    and ocean?

    Since I starting using Cadence, I always follow the way to draw simple
    schematic and open ADE to run simulation. But when seeing lots of
    people using skill and ocean for their design, I think it's better to
    learn these methods. Before beginning to read hundreds of pages of
    skill and ocean pdf files, could someone provide me the answer for
    this question?
    Thank you.

    Mobil, Oct 14, 2008
  2. Mobil

    fogh Guest

    Strange question but easy answer: you can automate with ocean what you
    would do in ADE. Meaning that you can batch, parameterise and generalise ...
    But ocean will run your sessions in sequence, unlike ADE, thus it is
    not an interface to script ADE. And you will sometimes have to automate
    also your postprocessing. If however you want (your previous post) to
    invoque ADE from skill and handle multiple sessions, you can start here
    and then go on to the ocean manual and primer. Don t worry, hundreds of
    pages flick fast when they are laid out like a slideshow ( Have you
    looked at some typical cadence docs yet ? )

    My 2cents is that you should invest the time. Do not underestimate
    however the flexibily of plain netlist editing, and get acquainted with
    your simulator's syntax (plus verilogA) first.
    fogh, Oct 15, 2008
  3. Mobil

    Riad KACED Guest

    Dear Mobil,

    Fred is right.
    Once you have finished designing your circuit with the typical
    conditions, then you need to check it still meets the specs over the
    temperature, the corners, the power supply range, the ouput
    variations ... etc. You could typically end up with running thousands
    of simulations before stamping your design as 'Good for production'.
    Some people are vey patient and could manually run hundreds of
    simulations from the ADE. That's the kind of things that Ocean,
    combined with the power of skill could do for you. Andrew showed last
    time some very nice HTML reports he did entirely get from automated
    simulations using Ocean/Skill.

    You can increase the complexity of the question by adding spectreMdl
    into the game. Well, I don't want to confuse you, but these are few
    comments from a previous discussion in the forum


    PS: There is a French phrase saying: Il n'ya pas de questions
    stupides, seules les rĂ©ponses peuvent l'ĂȘtre. Which means 'There is no
    silly question, only the answers could be'.
    Riad KACED, Oct 26, 2008
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