About Pro/engineer 2003 datecode 051 INSTALL

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Áö³ë¯, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. Áö³ë¯

    Áö³ë¯ Guest


    I'm first time in this group~~ nice to meet you~ and have a nice day~!!

    I found 'Pro-Engineer 2003 datecode 015'. but I don't know how to install
    the program.
    and It's first time for me to use Pro-engineer.

    Please let me know where I can find the crack file and manual~~^^ or tell me
    how to install the program~
    bellow is my system

    AMD 1000MHz
    ATI(I don't know correct model name)
    Os: windows xp pro(sp4)

    thank you for your patient(my english is ^^;;)
    Áö³ë¯, Nov 22, 2003
  2. Áö³ë¯

    mikemcdermid Guest

    drop a line to ptc and ask em
    mikemcdermid, Nov 27, 2003
  3. Áö³ë¯

    David Janes Guest

    Don't think anybody here is going to be able to help you, buddy, for the simple
    reason that Pro/E 2003 datecode 015 does not exist. Sorry, ain't no such animal in
    this zoo. Maybe you got hold of a pre-release version of Wildfire II and it has
    some funny datecode on it. But, if so, just register, download, install and be off
    and running. It's free, no big deal, no fuss, no muss, no bother. And you'll be
    off and running with the latest and greatest PTC has to offer. Why all the
    mystery? all the skulking around? all the fear and anxiety? it's completely
    unnecessary. Develop a spine! Stand erect! Grab your balls! Be a man! Oooops, oh,
    I'm sorry, meaning no offense if you are a little girl, I mean, girls are
    naturally always welcome here, they have spines, sort of, too, you know, I mean,
    you know, meaning no offense.......

    : drop a line to ptc and ask em
    : > hello~~!!
    : >
    : > I'm first time in this group~~ nice to meet you~ and have a nice day~!!
    : >
    : > I found 'Pro-Engineer 2003 datecode 015'. but I don't know how to install
    : > the program.
    : > and It's first time for me to use Pro-engineer.
    : >
    : > Please let me know where I can find the crack file and manual~~^^ or tell me
    : > how to install the program~
    : > bellow is my system
    : >
    : > AMD 1000MHz
    : > 512Mb
    : > ATI(I don't know correct model name)
    : > Os: windows xp pro(sp4)
    : >
    : > thank you for your patient(my english is ^^;;)
    David Janes, Nov 27, 2003
  4. Áö³ë¯

    David Janes Guest

    Yeah, very! And it's Thanksgiving and no one's called! Boohooo!

    : Home alone, Dave? 8~)
    : ===============
    David Janes, Nov 27, 2003
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