about OwnerID

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by youngman, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. youngman

    youngman Guest

    there is a property called OwnerID,

    what does parent object means

    why and when is it used .

    thank you.
    youngman, Aug 28, 2004
  2. Most objects have a container object. This is the parent object. Think of
    the parent object as the object that controls the life and position of its
    children objects. For instance, in real life, imagine you had 3 buckets of
    nails. Each nail's owner would be the bucket that is holding it. If you
    move a bucket across town, the nails move with it -- you don't have to
    change the location of each and every nail. It's similar with controls on a
    form, or lines on a Layout. If you move a form around on screen, its
    controls all move with it... the programmer who put the controls on the form
    didn't have to write code to move them whenever their parent (the form)
    moves. If you could move a block around, the lines that make up that block
    would all move with it.... that's the basis of block references.

    OwnerID tells you which block a Line or Circle (or ...) belongs to. So you
    could find out what Layout it is on, or if it is in Modelspace, or if it's
    part of a named block.


    James Belshan, Sep 1, 2004
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