About changing layer in nested blocks + creating bitmap resource dll

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lucian.crisan, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. Hello everybody!

    I have 2 question for you.

    There is a possibility to change layer (with a single click selection of a block) in a nested block?

    How can i make a bitmap resource dll. I've read in AutoCAD help the following:

    "Bitmap resource DLL's store the bitmaps used for toolbars, menus, and shortcut menus. For AutoCAD to access the bitmap resource, the following requirements must be met:

    The DLL file name is the same as the menu file name it's associated with.
    The resources are named rather than index numbered.
    The DLL file is located in the same directory as the menu file that uses it.
    To use these resources in the menu, use the appropriate resource names in the id_small and id_big parameters for toolbar buttons."

    Can anyone give me an working example? There is 3rd party programs who can make this file?

    Thanks in advance,
    Lucian :eek:)
    lucian.crisan, Oct 23, 2004
  2. lucian.crisan

    CJ Follmer Guest

    shortcut menus. For AutoCAD to access the bitmap resource, the following
    requirements must be met:
    the id_small and id_big parameters for toolbar buttons."
    take a look at http://www.afralisp.com/vbaa/vbadll.htm they've got a how to
    on making dll's.

    CJ Follmer, Oct 25, 2004
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