ability to read and write drawings other people are working on.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sw, May 25, 2007.

  1. sw

    sw Guest

    I guess the subject pretty much says it. We're using autocad lite
    2004 on a network. I, unlike the rest of my co-workers, am able to
    open a file that someone else already has open. If I dont' save it,
    no problem. But if I save it, I get a message indicating that this
    file can't be saved as (the drawing title) but will be saved as (a
    cryptic name).ac$. The original drawing file then disappears from
    view when using windows explorer. This, of course doesn't contribute
    to my popularity in the office!

    Any suggestions on where I might begin to troubleshoot this guy? Im
    not the network guy but work with him on a regular basis for autocad.

    We have a Macintosh server, with pc workstations, P4's. I seem to be
    the only one having this problem.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    sw, May 25, 2007
  2. sw

    sw Guest

    What your saying makes sense and we've adopted this to prevent future
    problems. Just wondering why it would be happening to myself
    sw, May 25, 2007
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