aargh.. section is not *cutting* a surface ... =(

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by stinky wizzleteet, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. ok,
    thanks to help from local heroes i was able to follow the instructions
    in the helpfile to make a section through a surface.

    there appears no section-line in the drawing, even though I can make it
    appera in tools-> modelling sections

    You can see for yourself by surface extruding a circle and warping it
    into a cone.
    Make a datum plane right through its middle,
    Make a Model/qlts section
    create a new drawing and insert a drawing view using aforementioned section
    and there it is: ONE circle.

    I can't even explain how painful this is, I want to use this simple line
    from this simple surface and draw a complicated parametric detail on it.
    I know I can just thicken the surface, not only is this inserting extra
    model complexity I don't need, but in the drawing I end up with a
    crosshatch and all kinds of junk, suffice to say I *NEED* this.
    (it looks extra painful when I turn on clipping and visibility of the
    section in the model view, it shows me exactly what I want to show and I
    just can't get it into a drawing)

    anywho, help is appreciated

    stinky wizzleteet, Apr 26, 2004
  2. sjeeesj :

    Include surfaces in drawing cross sections by setting the
    show_quilts_in_total_xsecs detail setup file option to yes.

    in pro/detail helpfile under "To Include Surface Geometry in
    Cross-Sectional Views"

    stinky wizzleteet, Apr 26, 2004
  3. take one step forward; take one back.
    It appears to be impossible to snap to the sectionline that appears in
    the drawing, or offset that particluar line for that matter.

    one word:

    stinky wizzleteet, Apr 26, 2004
  4. correct, an area cross section is as palpable as any other drawing entity.

    A workaround like creating an intersection line in the model is
    cumbersome (imagine a dome triangulated with 360 individual triangles,
    created with a nifty pattern) and makes me feel stupid, where we bought
    this fine piece of software to be smart & parametric.

    stinky wizzleteet, Apr 26, 2004
  5. stinky wizzleteet

    David Janes Guest

    : You can see for yourself by surface extruding a circle and warping it
    : into a cone.
    : Make a datum plane right through its middle,
    : Make a Model/qlts section
    : create a new drawing and insert a drawing view using aforementioned section
    : and there it is: ONE circle.
    The problem, always, with surfaces is that Pro/e needs an enclosed volume so that
    it knows what is inside and what is outside the surface. When you cut this cone,
    you know, absolutely, irrefuteably, that the negative curvature of this circle
    means 'inside' the section. If the entire surface is not a closed volume, Pro/e
    doesn't understand that at all. Good programming would dictate, in such
    circumstances, that the user be asked to specify in what direction 'inside' lies.
    And a nice 'flip arrow' button, in case the default is in the wrong direction. You
    have neither, you have only the impossibility of sectioning outside the circle and
    of Pro/e deciding whichiswhich. Create your extruded circle/warped cylinder with
    'capped ends'. Put this in your drawing and see if it can't figure out what is
    'inside' the section.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 27, 2004
  6. Oooh joy !

    by setting "crossec_type=new_style"
    one can snap to the section line of a surface !

    BUT, using 'new_style" the rest of the model is not visible, only when I
    set the view to "hidden line" it appears, strange.

    stinky wizzleteet, Apr 29, 2004
  7. might want to invest in installing linux, the odd behavior I have
    occasionaaly is almost entirely gone in linux
    my system is a dell 5150 nvidia fxgo5200
    debian unstable kernel 2.6.4 (2.4.25, 2.6.2 etc)
    nvidia 5336 drivers
    xfce 4 desktop (talk about lightweight !)
    ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net for the wireless lan

    When installing wildfire on debian you might get an openmotif issue
    (needs 2.3 if I remember correctly), apparently redhat (which is the
    distribution of choice by ptc) uses an openmotif version that debian
    deems volatile, which I resolved by either looking for a deb file on
    apt-get.org or upgrading to testing/unstable (which is still more stable
    than windows)

    debian + xfce + openoffice + mozilla + wildfire = production beast !

    Oh well, doesn't really matter what you use, I hear redhat is pretty
    good too lately with the new fedora core, which comes with debian-style
    package management tools.

    stinky wizzleteet, Apr 29, 2004
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