Aackh..Parts auto-hiding in drawings!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by whit, Sep 4, 2003.

  1. whit

    whit Guest

    I've a 1500 part assembly made up of 77 unique sub-assy's which are made
    from 480 unique parts, etc. Basic big machine stuff, I guess.

    I made the assy in 2001+sp6, it's about 26Mb after doing a couple
    SaveAs's to try to shrink it a bit. In 2K1+ it would not create a
    drawing view without automatically hiding random parts.

    After cursing a while I found that I could dig down the Tree to the
    offending hidden part right which I could find only by looking for the
    'bounding box' on the screen as all the Icons in the Tree showed all
    parts to be visible. I'd right click the part, selest Show Part, SWX
    would do its magic and the part would show.

    This would also cause the other previously "hidden" parts Icons to
    change to show me they were indeed Hidden. So I could dig thru the
    others and do the same to get all the parts to show.

    When we switched to 2003, I could create a complete drawing and I all
    was good...until this morning when I created another view, some parts of
    some sub-assys were hidden, I was able to 'recover' the parts as
    described above, but it sure is a PITA.

    Anyone ever seen anything like this? Could it be video card related?

    whit, Sep 4, 2003
  2. You might also try toggling the Use fast HLR/HLV. I've seen that make a
    difference whether on or off.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 4, 2003
  3. Now someone comes through with the RIGHT answer. =^)
    Corey Scheich, Sep 4, 2003
  4. whit

    whit Guest

    I wasn't sure about the card since when I built the machine I sort of
    went cheap there with a 128Mb "game" card- works pretty good most of the

    I tried CTRL+Q to no avail.

    I hadn't tried the Drawing View Properties before, I just did try it on
    the 2K1+ assy here at work, there was a *huge* list of hidden components
    and since this is sort of a crap assy anyway I simply Cleared all the
    items in the list...

    ....that worked! At first all the sketches in parts and subs showed up
    and wouldn't disappead even after unchecking Sketches, and Hide All
    Types in the View Pulldown. But another CTRL+Q did it, everything is
    there like I wanted. (Working over a network)

    Thank you!

    whit, Sep 4, 2003
  5. whit

    whit Guest

    What kind of silly option is *that*!? <g>

    That did it! I guess it thinks these parts are hidden behind other parts

    bizarro, IMHO <g>
    whit, Sep 4, 2003
  6. whit

    whit Guest

    Well I spoke too soon. It worked on sheet 1 of 4 but other sheets still
    had parts hidden, but with these suggestions I should be able to get
    things done a little quicker.

    Thanks folks

    whit, Sep 4, 2003
  7. Yeah you would have to do this for each view since it can be different for
    each one. I thought that maybe you could do it from another sheet but you
    have to switch to each sheet.

    A macro would take care of it for you. But I can't figure out how to reset
    the list that way. There is View::EnumHiddenComponents2 I could retrieve it
    but don't know how to reset it. I don't know much about resetting
    enumerated lists. Someone else may be able to do it.
    Corey Scheich, Sep 4, 2003
  8. whit

    whit Guest

    Actually it was Mike's System Option that I was saying I spoke too soon
    about, the Drawing Prop's Hide/Show works well but is still crusty slow,
    much quicker than my old way, but...

    Luckily(?) it seems to happen only on very large assemblies (>1000
    parts?), though I don't see how anyone could work on a 5000 or 15000
    part assembly drawing. We don't have a PMD yet either so all this gets
    squeezed over a network, it can take 3-5 minutes after hitting Save or
    CRTL+Q before I can do anything again.

    If I can get these drawings done, SWX2004sp2 may be out before I have to
    do another set this large <fingers crossed><g>

    Thanks for the help
    whit, Sep 4, 2003
  9. I've never noticed that setting - why would you ever want it???? It seems
    that if you want to create a view it's because you want to have parts in it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 4, 2003
  10. whit

    Jeff N Guest

    I work on 5,000+ part assembly drawings and had a problem with parts hiding
    until I edumicated myself as to that setting. Bad thing about that setting
    is that if you project a view and parts are unknowingly hid in the parent
    view the projected view makes it very obvious (as in same parts hidden)! I
    wish they would expand on this functionality so you can select a view, hit a
    button and toggle whether hidden parts in the view should be hidden from
    regenerating or made to show. I think this would really increase LA drawing
    performance by far, especially cropped, detail and section views. The other
    problem is that the list is static meaning it only generates that list when
    the view is created. So if you add parts after the view is created they
    don't automatically hide if they are hidden in view. I will say that 2004
    has really helped us out a lot with our LA drawings.
    Jeff N, Sep 5, 2003
  11. whit

    Whit Guest

    I guess being a n00bie to SWX, about a year behind the wheel, I don't even
    understand why such an option exists. The view was created from the "Current
    Model View" when I first placed it, with all the parts showing or hidden that I
    wanted showing or hidden.

    Why would the software make some seemingly random decision to hide seemingly
    random parts?

    hence the "Aackh!" <g>
    Whit, Sep 6, 2003
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