A0 Plotters

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by awtltd, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. awtltd

    awtltd Guest

    Hi, I'm soon going to have to replace my aging Novajet 2 plotter, what
    A0 plotters are everyone currently using, what's good/bad out there at
    the moment?


    awtltd, Jul 21, 2005
  2. awtltd

    Brian Guest

    Although I can't recommend any specific plotter, I do have a suggestion. We
    recently looked at purchasing a new one (unfortunately our pen plotter
    resurected itsself, so one was not acquired). I found out through a repair
    shop that HP ( and others ) typically use two different print heads in their
    designs. One for the el-cheapo plotter, and one for their mid/high range
    ones. The difference being the amount of ink applied per given sheet to
    achieve the same results. In some cases, lasting 5x as many plots. Paying
    a few hundred more for a plotter with a better ink deposition rate may pay
    for itsself in a month or two depending on plot frequency.
    Brian, Jul 21, 2005
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