A very good VLSI chip design website

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by art.chipdesign, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. Hi Designers,

    The website dedicated for we(VLSI Chip designer's discussing about
    trade-off's /problems solutions/ FAQ's)...

    I found a very good website for VLSI Chip design, which has columns
    for all the implementation challenges, ASIC FAQ's more relevant to
    designers, VLSI Design flows, Design checklists, good lectures/courses/


    check this site out.... more over the Implementation challenges column/
    FAQ's will be very helpful and knowledgeable ....

    Digitally Your's
    art.chipdesign, Mar 6, 2007
  2. Felt a bit intimidated by the wording of the posting. Looked very much
    like that of most emails that go unread into my spam mailbox. I
    decided to give it a decent chance and went over to see what the page
    has to offer.

    I would classify it as the possible beginning of something that could
    be interesting if more flesh is added to the bone. It doesn't hurt to
    go there and see for yourselves, but don't expect to find exhausting
    answers to any problem. All suggestions have to go via email so unless
    the initiator drives this himself, I find it hard to offer supportive
    feedback from the users.

    Don't get me wrong, I do support open information sources like this.
    All too often I hit these pay-per-article and paper publication sites
    when I search for answers to fundamental things in design. Looks like
    IEEE have google index all the papers just to bring everybody
    searching to the ieeeexplore site. Other academic organizations have
    followed, and I suspect that in the end no publications will be
    available freely on the net.

    First impression (posting here) was not so good, second one was better
    and I hope third impression will improve even more.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 10, 2007
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