A stupid question...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Cris, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Cris

    Cris Guest

    OK. to preface this absurd question, I feel that I should say that the
    company I work for will not send any of us in engineering to a course
    on solidworks. This creates an interesting situation, wherin I have to
    ask stupid questions.

    That being said, It IS possible to extrude a hole through all parts of
    an assembly(this I have done), and yet the cut does not translate to
    the individual part when open on its own. It seems to me, that the
    answer is very simple, and I just cant seem to find it on my own.

    Likewise, it seems to me, that a cut should be able to be made in an
    unfolded or flat state in sheet metal, and then fold back into its
    finished form, with the cuts relative to the material instead of the

    Like I said, im sure this is painfully simple, but i really could use
    some help.

    Cris, Jun 10, 2005
  2. Cris

    SW Monkey Guest

    When created a cut extrude in an assy, the whole will not show up in
    the individual parts UNLESS you are editing the parts "In Context" of
    that assy. When editing In Context, you are basically editing the part
    while the assy is open. When you do a assy cut extrude, the hole(s)
    will show up when doing an assy drawing, which is what the assy cut
    extrude is for.

    Heres something that may help.

    1. Do the assy cut extrude. After this is done, you will have the
    hole(s) in all of the parts you want.
    2. Next, edit each part that has the hole(s) "In context". When doing
    so, use the command "Convert Entities" on the hole(s) desired. After
    doing this, do a cut extrude on the part(s).
    3. After you have the hole(s) you want, open each part and edit the
    feature for that hole. You will see that feature is referencing the
    assy, so you have 2 choices.
    a) Delete the reference. After this, dimension the hole.
    b) Keep the part referenced. In the early design phase, I usually
    keep my parts referenced, but when the design is done, its best to
    delete reference, and dimension the features in the part itself.

    Hope this helps, and isnt very confusing :)

    Post back if you need more help...
    SW Monkey, Jun 10, 2005
  3. When you use a feature cut in an assy, it stays there as is - it doesn't
    propogate back to the parts because it's not supposed to. Think of it this
    way. You make some parts, you weld them together, and then you drill a hole
    through several parts because you want to make sure the holes line up after
    the welding. If the holes went back into the parts as you suggest, then the
    piece part drawings would show a hole, and that would not be correct. Maybe
    that's what you really want this time, but it's the wrong approach.

    Instead, you have a few options.
    1. Put the holes in each of the piece parts manually.
    2. Put the hole in one of the piece parts, and then in the others with an
    in-context relation to the first one.
    3. Same as 3, only use a sketch in the assy to drive the holes in all the
    When you put holes in a sheet metal part, there are many different ways to
    accomplish it. Per your direct question, you need to do an unfold, put in
    the holes, and then put in a refold. This will put the holes in the flat &
    formed configs. Do some reading on sheet metal in the help - you'll find
    some very good info.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 10, 2005
  4. Depending on the type of hole you want, maybe a hole wizard, "hole series"
    may fit your needs. These show up in the assembly and the individual parts.
    You can modify them to fit. See the "elp"area

    Michael Eckstein, Jun 10, 2005
  5. "Help" It must be "Beer30"


    Michael Eckstein, Jun 10, 2005
  6. Cris

    matt Guest

    Use the Hole Wizard Hole Series, as someone else said. It will put the
    hole to each individual part

    It depends what technique you're using for this. If you use the "base
    flange" technique, you can put in an "unfold" feature, make the cut,
    then put in a "fold" feature. If you're doing the "insert bends"
    technique, you can put the cut between the "flatten bends" and "process
    matt, Jun 10, 2005
  7. Cris

    Cris Guest

    Couldnt get the hole wizard to cut through all parts either. not sure
    what the problem is...it worked the same as extruding a cut through the
    assembly. It showed up in the assembly, but not in individual parts.

    Im just not a big fan of having the circles of different parts relate
    to each other, it makes it a pain for another engineer to play with the
    assembly later on, and not follow what ive done...but thanks for your
    help so far. Im using SW 2004...BTW
    Cris, Jun 14, 2005
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