A Sad Day for CAD/CAM

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fettucini, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Fettucini

    Fettucini Guest

    It is with a heavy heart that I report the untimely passing of our
    dear friend and Dulledge blog celebrity Jon Banquer. Jon was killed in
    a testing mishap while reviewing a new solid modeling product for our
    Dulledge blog. We had asked Jon to write a review of this product
    http://tinyurl.com/26tdx7 . Given Jon's expertise with related
    products such as Etch-A-Sketch and Magna Doodle we felt he was the
    natural choice to review Aqua Dots.

    Jon's professionalism and attention to detail were to be his undoing
    when it came to this product. During the ever important taste test
    portion of Jon's trials, he was posoned by what turned out to be a
    very dangerous new modeling tool.

    The Dulledge blog caught up with CAD/CAM gadfly Cliff Huprich at an
    anti-Bush peace rally (photo http://tinyurl.com/3xoqv5 ) An obviously
    distrught Huprich offered these comments: "Oh my! What a loss." "I
    have to sit down" Mr. Huprich sobbed. "I have to rethink my life",
    sighed Huprich. "I may have to give up usenet now. What would be the
    point in going on?" Clearly Jon's passing will reverberate throughout
    our tight knit community.

    I will post arrangements as soon as they are available. Meanwhile Tom
    Brewer and Joe788 have tentative plans to hold a memorial pizza party
    and pig roast at a Chevy's in San Diego.
    Fettucini, Nov 9, 2007
  2. Fettucini

    Anthony Guest

    wrote in 4ax.com:



    You can't 'idiot proof' anything....every time you try, they just make
    better idiots.

    Remove sp to reply via email
    Anthony, Nov 9, 2007
  3. Fettucini

    gk Guest

    A classic!!!!
    gk, Nov 9, 2007
  4. Fettucini

    Cliff Guest

    LMAO !!!
    About as good as the justly famed http://tinyurl.com/2hhq5m
    & the http://tinyurl.com/yoph8e <GG>.
    Cliff, Nov 9, 2007
  5. Ahh, but do not lose hope. My prediction is that as a Phoenix, he will once
    again rise in some form that may not look familiar to us as the Jon we have
    come to know and love, but yet under the new plumage, it will become evident
    that our beloved Jon is once again with us. Stand and watch for the time is
    surely short.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 9, 2007
  6. Fettucini

    brewertr Guest

    To deplete stolen pizza, hotdog cart & demo disk inventory there is a
    tentative Memorial Pizza Party, Wienie Roast & used CAD/CAM demo disk
    sale, date and Chevy's location TBD.

    Proceeds will be used for a Potter's Field upgrade to Cardboard Coffin
    and/or grave marker.

    brewertr, Nov 9, 2007
  7. Fettucini

    jon_banquer Guest

    Has already happened.

    Where the SolidWorks content is:


    Who I'm working with to deliver what truly will be the next generation
    of CAM:


    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    Latest comments: http://worldcadaccess.typepad.com/blog/2007/11/alibre-brass-ta.html#comment-89246166
    jon_banquer, Nov 9, 2007
  8. Wouldn't the humanitarian thing be to donate the body to science?
    For research on B. coli (Banquerichiae coli, the bacterium that causes
    banqueritis), which appears to be the root cause of all ADHD, fidgeting,
    truancy, poor reading comprehension, 16 1/2 hours/day-365days/year the
    spasmodic beating of one's meat, manic mumbling, and the eventual dropping
    out of school?
    Not to mention really bad itching.....
    Mr. P.V.'d (formerly Droll Troll), Yonkers, NY

    Stop Corruption in Congress & Send the Ultimate Message:
    Absolutely Vote, but NOT for a Democrat or a Republican.
    Ending Corruption in Congress is the *Single Best Way*
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    Make sure whomever you do vote for believes in
    ABSOLUTE separation of Church & State--ferchrissakes

    entropic3.14decay at optonline2.718 dot net; remove pi and e to reply--ie,
    all d'numbuhs
    Proctologically Violated©®, Nov 9, 2007
  9. Fettucini

    Tom Accuosti Guest

    You know, that's really tasteless to spoof a dead guy's headers like that.

    "I killed that goat-man with the pipes," Tom dead-panned
    Tom Accuosti, Nov 9, 2007
  10. Fettucini

    Half-nutz Guest

    Dead men Do blead!
    Half-nutz, Nov 9, 2007
  11. Fettucini

    barn_rubble Guest

    I'm shocked that you would ever suspect me of harassing or poking fun
    at the insane. It's so beneath me. :)

    barn_rubble, Nov 9, 2007
  12. Fettucini

    gk Guest

    This is even funnier than the original post.
    gk, Nov 9, 2007
  13. Fettucini

    Cliff Guest

    This should be a lesson to all on the perils of being
    a clueless self-proclaimed & self-appointed buzzword-impaired
    bead taster.
    Cliff, Nov 10, 2007
  14. Fettucini

    Cliff Guest

    You just throw away CAD/CAM & two axes .... then get a copy
    of the limited-time demo anybody can ask for ...
    They are probaby learning & being banquerized at the same time.
    Cliff, Nov 10, 2007
  15. Fettucini

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Nov 10, 2007
  16. Fettucini

    Cliff Guest

    It's sort of traditional for the wife or someone to sell off the tools.
    Who wants the can of brake fluid & the broom?
    Cliff, Nov 10, 2007
  17. Fettucini

    D Murphy Guest

    wrote in 4ax.com:
    Ooof. Some things once seen can't be "un-seen".

    You get a mental image of people that you can't see. DJ's, writers, and
    people on usenet. Cliff, you need to post a picture of yourself. Otherwise
    you'll always be "Code Pink Cliffie" when I'm reading something you wrote.

    BTW, it cant be a good thing when your belly button hangs below the knee.
    Somebody needs a "PV pole" and a salad.

    Aqua Dots, what a hoot.
    D Murphy, Nov 10, 2007
  18. Fettucini

    Joe788 Guest

    When I started reading this post, I couldn't help but think, "Hmm,
    this is in poor taste to say the kook is dead....."

    Then I got to the part about the Aqua Dots! HAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
    Joe788, Nov 12, 2007
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