A routine 4 a roof layout ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bernard Rother, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Long time since I've been here.

    Does anyone have a routine they may want to share which uses the
    external walls of a building to generate a 2D roof layout with hips,
    ridges and valleys. Some of the stuff I do confuses the hell out of me,
    let alone the truss manufacturers.

    What I've been doing is using an old, free "Home Architect" program to
    draw a rough outline of the building and use that to generate the roof
    layout. Works like a charm except for the fact it's a pain in the butt.
    It doesn't export to DWG or DXF, just lets me see what the roof will
    look like.

    Thanks folks.

    Bernard Rother, Mar 27, 2007
  2. Ever tried the "topographic method" of offsetting polylines? It involves a
    little calculation where the eave line breaks and roofs start at different
    heights, but still works very well.
    Michael Bulatovich, Mar 27, 2007
  3. Bernard Rother

    Jerry G Guest

    Find a new truss company. LOL. Every truss software program that I have
    seen in the last 10 years has a layout program that analyzes and
    calculates the planes of roofs to generate plan views of the roof
    exactly as you spec'd, and if the truss company technicians cannot
    generate roof lines from the info you supply it is only because they are
    either too lazy, incompetent, or you have given them info that has
    contradictory results (he says glancing down at an architectural roof
    plan that is impossible as drawn.)

    If you develop a strong working relationship with the truss company they
    may even set up a copy of their software on your computer and include
    you under their license (provided you pay for the extra seat)
    Jerry G, Mar 28, 2007
  4. You're going to let the truss guy design the roof?

    After I throw myself in front of a bus, and have to spend a lot of time
    convalescing, I've promised myself to do a cartoon of the same building
    designed by each of the trades to suit themselves. From the forming guys to
    the caulking guys. I think it would be a bit like that old cartoon of the
    Michael Bulatovich, Mar 28, 2007
  5. Bernard Rother

    Jerry G Guest

    It depends on the truss guy. Since I am a truss guy, I would feel better
    about my designing the roof than the average architect (keyword is
    average) or house designer.
    The key to this working is the architect has to really know how he wants
    the building to look and he has to have decent and accurate elevations
    and sections.

    I have a following of several architects who recognize that I usually
    have a better ability to draw the plan view of their roof than they do
    since that is my area of expertise. They send me 25%-50% completion sets
    without any roof plans or with only some areas done and notes saying "I
    don't know how to do this area. Figure it out. Send me a plan drawing
    {without trusses) and maybe some 3d's to review and we can discuss it
    and move from there."

    I had another architect who drew a funky shaped building to fit on a
    funky shaped lot and he drew impossible ridge lines. He also had the
    floor designed to be supported by steel beams in the roof, but his floor
    trusses could not span the necessary distances. I changed the 3 steel
    beams from being hidden in the roof with angle iron tension bars
    supporting a non-feasible floor to 1 steel beam in the floors,
    recalculated his roof ridgelines with some back and forth discussions
    and he was ready to go. Of course the field personnel screwed up the
    funky angles, so I had to redraw it to work with the as-built walls.
    Jerry G, Mar 28, 2007
  6. You might have a point. I've seen the scenarios above, but consider them
    evidence of inferior work by architects. An architect should have a 3d model
    of the building in his head, and be able to draw it in 3d from any angle. I
    don't fudge anything.

    The most complex roof I ever designed, was built by a crew that not only got
    it right, but was so proud of their work they gave guided tours to the ridge
    during the topping off party. I was also pretty impressed by their

    I ended up using offset polylines to draw it in plan correctly. Not that big
    a deal really. It takes more care than brains.
    Michael Bulatovich, Mar 29, 2007
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