A question to all fellow SW 2005 plodders

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    Using SW 2005, please do me a favor. Take a part and make a cut that results
    in two separate bodies.
    When the dialog box comes up that asks for "Bodies to keep" does anyone else
    get a graphical indication of which body you are selecting???
    So when clicking between the two bodies does it show on the screen which is
    which, because I do not?

    Muggs, Oct 6, 2004
  2. I just tried it here and definitely no response. It appears that the
    selection does work, but there is no graphical indication of which body is
    which. I even tried it in 2004 to make sure that I was doing it properly.
    BTW, the Help also doesn't appear to be correct, so turn that in also.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 6, 2004
  3. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Thank you both for the conformation.

    I'll send it in today.
    Muggs, Oct 6, 2004
  4. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    In what way, and where?

    Muggs, Oct 6, 2004
  5. Muggs

    MM Guest


    Yep,, no indicator with a simple block.

    I did pull up a mold I did in 2004, and did an edit on the cavity. In this
    case, the select body highlight worked correctly.

    MM, Oct 6, 2004
  6. Ok, here is what I have found.

    I started a new part (basic block part) and drove a circular cut through it
    from the end such that I would be left with 2 separate bodies. When I
    clicked on the check mark to accept it, up popped a box labeled Bodies to
    Keep. Great, I picked Selected bodies rather than All bodies, and proceeded
    to check which ones I wanted to keep, with no graphical indication of which
    was which.

    I also clicked on the Help button to access the SW help for this area. The
    first paragraph says"The Bodies to Keep dialog box appears with the any cut
    feature that includes multibody parts. It allows you to select which bodies
    to keep and which bodies to eliminate as a result of the cut operation."
    The next paragraph says "You can choose All bodies or Selected bodies. If
    the model has configurations, you can select the configurations to affect."
    Still fine - probably applies.

    Then it has a section of bulleted points that start with "All bodies. Cuts
    all bodies every time the feature rebuilds. If you add new bodies to the
    model that are intersected by the cutting tool, these new bodies are also
    rebuilt to include the cut." This definitely does not apply to this Bodies
    to Keep box. It then goes on a few entries down "If you choose Selected
    bodies, you can also choose Auto-select under Feature Scope in the
    PropertyManager." Ok, this is talking about a Feature Scope tab - don't
    have one. Hmmm.

    So, to move on, click the two boxes to keep both parts. Then repeat the
    sketch on the RH side so you will end up with 4 separate parts. If you
    click on the check mark, you get all the same stuff as above. However,
    before you hit the check mark, look down in the FM and you will now see a
    Feature Scope tab, which is what all the rest of that help page was
    describing. If you pick Selected bodies, and uncheck Auto-select, then you
    have the opportunity to pick your bodies *that will be affected by the cut.*
    You have to pick the bodies in the graphics area, rather than the check
    boxes, and then when you hit the check mark, the Bodies to Keep box comes up
    and you have the option to pick 4 bodies, again with no visual indication.

    Now RMB Cut-Extrude2, or whatever, and Edit Feature. If you then hit the
    checkmark, the Bodies to Keep box comes up as before. But if you first go
    to the Feature Scope tab..............now I can't make it do it. At some
    point, by trying different things, I did get some visual feedback, but now I
    can't repeat it. Oh well, I guess this is enough for now - someone else try
    it also.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 6, 2004
  7. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Yes jk,

    I found the same thing. When going back to edit, the "selected body" is
    definitely highlighted.
    My VAR confirmed that this is a bug and sent it up to SW, so I imagine that
    an SPR will be forth coming.
    I'll keep you informed.

    Muggs, Oct 7, 2004
  8. As I said before - make sure that they also mention that the help on
    that area is not very clear in that it doesn't point out the different
    situations. Maybe send them my message also.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 7, 2004
  9. Muggs, did you ever get a number on this one?

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 26, 2004
  10. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Yes, Wayne, JK,

    I was also told that it was logged as SPR 236762 and that I would get an
    email from SW when it was fixed.
    No email yet.

    Muggs, Oct 26, 2004
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