a question about title blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Thomas Campitelli, May 22, 2005.

  1. Howdy Folks,

    I'm an AutoCAD beginner and I am struggling to create a title block for
    a layout view. As nearly as I can determine, AutoCAD sets the 0,0 point
    based on the printable area of the page. The printable area is
    determined by whatever printer you may be using. If I change the
    printer, or send my drawing to someone else, my title block will shift
    around. Am I missing something here? Why does AutoCAD avoid defining an
    11x17 page with a 0,0 point at the lower left corner? Thanks in advance
    for any help or suggestions.

    Thomas Campitelli, May 22, 2005
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