A question about SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tom_Ding, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. Tom_Ding

    Tom_Ding Guest

    I am a jackeroo on creating programs by using SKILL language.
    When I try to run a SKILL example called "axlform.il" which is in the
    Allegro 14.2 installation path, Allegro lists an error by using a
    string like the following:
    "E-*Error* axlFormDisplay: argument #1 should be an "other" atom (type
    template = "o")-nil".
    I can not understand what this error message means. Please experts help
    me. Thanks a lot!

    Tom_Ding, Oct 8, 2004
  2. Hi Tom,

    This message means that axlFormDisplay is expecting something other than
    a standard SKILL type -- these types are listed on page 20 of the
    (PDFized) SKILL language reference. (Unfortunately, SKILL itself
    doesn't know about most GUI elements, so you get this rather ambiguous

    I'm not familiar with Allegro (I'm over in CIC), but if you search on
    SourceLink for axlFormDisplay, it will direct you to the Allegro/APD
    Design Guide: SKILL Reference Manual, in the Form Interface Functions
    chapter (11). It gives the following example on how to use these functions:

    ; User-callable function to set up and
    ; display the Extract Selector form
    (defun myExtract ()
    fileList = (cdr (cdr (getDirFiles
    cadr( parseString( axlGetVariable("TEXTPATH"))))))
    form = axlFormCreate( (gensym)
    "extract_selector.form" `("E" "OUTER")
    `_formAction t)
    axlFormTitle( form "Extract Selector")
    axlFormSetField( form "view_file" (car fileList))
    selectedFile = (car fileList)
    foreach( fileName fileList
    axlFormSetField( form "file_list" fileName))
    axlFormDisplay( form)
    ); defun myExtract
    David Cuthbert, Oct 14, 2004
  3. Tom_Ding

    Tom_Ding Guest

    I get it! Thank you very much!
    Tom_Ding, Oct 18, 2004
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