A question about hardCopyOptions

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. Hi Cadence guys,

    Why isn't the hcMailLogNames and hcHeader documented in the OCEAN
    Reference manual? I tried to use them as ?arguments to hardCopyOptions,
    but that didn't work, so I had to use the form below. Found this in a
    white paper from Cadence. Are ther more "secret" options out there? Just
    imagine how my mailbox was filling up due to hardCopy() calls

    Another question is, why do I have to execute the (rexCompile " ") once
    on the CIW line before it works properly?

    Is there a better way to replace \s (whitespace) with _ in titles to be
    used in file names for plots?

    (rexCompile " ")
    (setq cnt 1)
    (foreach wid (awvGetWindowList)
    awvSetCurrentWindow( wid )
    (setq title wid->awvSaveWaveInfoDpl->title->label)
    (rexExecute title)
    (setq filename (rexReplace title "_" 0))
    ?hcNumCopy 1
    ?hcOrientation 'landscape
    ?hcOutputFile (sprintf nil "%s.eps" filename cnt)
    ?hcPaperSize "DIN A4"
    ?hcPlotterName "EPS "
    hardCopyOptions("hcHeader" nil)
    hardCopyOptions("hcMailLogNames" nil)
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 4, 2005
  2. Svenn,

    Yes, I'm aware of this. For some bizarre reason a decision was made not to
    document these - because they don't work properly...

    Actually, there is a public, documented, way of using them, as covered in
    sourcelink solution 1844194 . Use:

    awvSetOptionValue("hcHeader" nil)
    awvSetOptionValue("hcMailLogNames" nil)


    The rexCompile in your example is needed to compile a pattern of a white
    space, and then the rexExecute will match space in the title, and rexReplace
    will replace it with underscore.

    Note you always have to be careful with the pattern matching functions because
    it's always possible that some Cadence function uses the rex functions itself,
    and so recompiles a pattern between you compiling one and using it with the
    rexExecute (for example).

    Also, I'm not sure the above would necessarily work with wavescan as the
    waveform tool - I've not checked whether this awvSaveWaveInfoDpl attribute
    would be stored on the pseudo-window id that is created for wavescan windows.


    Andrew Beckett, Jul 4, 2005
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