a problem on DRC with IBM BiCMOS 7wl

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by YFLuo, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. YFLuo

    YFLuo Guest


    I am now designing the layout and met a problem when I run divaDRC. The
    program terminated and some parts of error message are as follows:

    " Parsing drcExtractRules of
    \o function IBM_LayerCopy redefined
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: DEGEN .
    \o error: 'DEGEN' is not a graphics layer.
    \o 80. dubiousData(("DEGEN" "drawing") "illegal shapes (DEGEN)")
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: EV .
    \o error: 'EV' is not a graphics layer.
    \o 81. dubiousData(("EV" "drawing") "illegal shapes (EV)")
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: OZ .
    \o error: 'OZ' is not a graphics layer.
    \o 83. dubiousData(("OZ" "drawing") "illegal shapes (OZ)")
    \o error: Unknown purpose "HD" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 176. mimhd = geomGetPurpose("MIM" "HD" 0 25)
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: OZ .
    \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer OZ is
    \o 224. oz = geomGetPurpose("OZ" "drawing" 0 25)
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: EV .
    \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer EV is
    \o 225. ev = geomGetPurpose("EV" "drawing" 0 25)
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: DEGEN .
    \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer DEGEN is
    \o 226. degen = geomGetPurpose("DEGEN" "drawing" 0 25)
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: VNCAP .
    \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer VNCAP is
    \o error: Unknown purpose "count" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 233. vncapcount = geomGetPurpose("VNCAP" "count" 0 25)
    \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: VNCAP .
    \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer VNCAP is
    \o error: Unknown purpose "parm" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 234. vncapparm = geomGetPurpose("VNCAP" "parm" 0 25)
    \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 235. e1_coil = geomGetPurpose("E1" "COIL" 0 25)
    \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 236. m3_coil = geomGetPurpose("M3" "COIL" 0 25)
    \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 237. m4_coil = geomGetPurpose("M4" "COIL" 0 25)
    \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose().
    \o 238. mt_coil = geomGetPurpose("MT" "COIL" 0 25)
    \o Errors exist in the rules file
    \o Verification program terminated.

    Does that mean some other layers are also generated when I generate the
    layout? I can't find those unknown layers in the LSW window. And I also
    tried Assura 3.16, the same error message occurs. I use Cadence 5.141. The
    tech is IBM BiCMOS 7wl. Did anybody meet this before? Could someone help me
    with this?

    Thank you very much.

    YFLuo, Nov 22, 2007
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