Hello, I am now designing the layout and met a problem when I run divaDRC. The program terminated and some parts of error message are as follows: " Parsing drcExtractRules of "/cad/cds/IBM_PDK/bicmos7wl/V1.5.1.5DM/cdslib/bicmos7wl/divaDRC.rul"... \o function IBM_LayerCopy redefined \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: DEGEN . \o error: 'DEGEN' is not a graphics layer. \o 80. dubiousData(("DEGEN" "drawing") "illegal shapes (DEGEN)") \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: EV . \o error: 'EV' is not a graphics layer. \o 81. dubiousData(("EV" "drawing") "illegal shapes (EV)") \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: OZ . \o error: 'OZ' is not a graphics layer. \o 83. dubiousData(("OZ" "drawing") "illegal shapes (OZ)") \o error: Unknown purpose "HD" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 176. mimhd = geomGetPurpose("MIM" "HD" 0 25) \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: OZ . \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer OZ is not. \o 224. oz = geomGetPurpose("OZ" "drawing" 0 25) \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: EV . \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer EV is not. \o 225. ev = geomGetPurpose("EV" "drawing" 0 25) \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: DEGEN . \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer DEGEN is not. \o 226. degen = geomGetPurpose("DEGEN" "drawing" 0 25) \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: VNCAP . \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer VNCAP is not. \o error: Unknown purpose "count" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 233. vncapcount = geomGetPurpose("VNCAP" "count" 0 25) \o error: No raw graphics layer exists in the tech file: VNCAP . \o error: geomGetPurpose() requires graphics database layer; layer VNCAP is not. \o error: Unknown purpose "parm" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 234. vncapparm = geomGetPurpose("VNCAP" "parm" 0 25) \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 235. e1_coil = geomGetPurpose("E1" "COIL" 0 25) \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 236. m3_coil = geomGetPurpose("M3" "COIL" 0 25) \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 237. m4_coil = geomGetPurpose("M4" "COIL" 0 25) \o error: Unknown purpose "COIL" found in geomGetPurpose(). \o 238. mt_coil = geomGetPurpose("MT" "COIL" 0 25) \o Errors exist in the rules file "/cad/cds/IBM_PDK/bicmos7wl/V1.5.1.5DM/cdslib/bicmos7wl/divaDRC.rul". \o Verification program terminated. " Does that mean some other layers are also generated when I generate the layout? I can't find those unknown layers in the LSW window. And I also tried Assura 3.16, the same error message occurs. I use Cadence 5.141. The tech is IBM BiCMOS 7wl. Did anybody meet this before? Could someone help me with this? Thank you very much. Yfluo
It seems, that your divaDRC runset does not match to your technology library either * use/get a different technology library * use/get different runset * understand problem/hack runset