A Newbie's Review of SW-2005

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by sales, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. sales

    sales Guest

    Big step for me coming over from VectorWorks to Solidworks. Having said
    that, let me state the following after 3 weeks of using this program.

    Things I love about SW

    1. The way holes are treated like objects and just not mere solid
    2. The whole part-assy-drawing work flow.
    3. Parametric parts libraries.
    4. OpenGl real-time rendering.
    5. Working with models from an isometric or non standard plane
    6. Piping Add-on
    7. Defining parts with dimensions.
    8. Design tables
    9. Feature Manager
    10. Overall feel of the program
    11. Photoworks
    12. VRML and the integrated HTML publisher.

    Things I hate about SW

    13. No automatic view label with the view scale, not the sheet scale
    14. Lack of simple drafting symbols like graphic scales, different view
    and section callouts etc.
    15. No simple align tool/function in part, assy and drawing modes.
    16. Documentation, or lack thereof.
    17. Flaky performance.
    18. Flakier stability.
    19. Even flakier save to pdf.
    20. Ctrl-C, Ctrl-P ability to copy and paste parts, assy's,
    sketches, components etc.
    21. Small selection of importable file formats.
    22. Cosmos can only test parts, not assemblies.
    23. Inability to detach the feature manager and locate on another
    24. Detached tool menus will not stay in place on dual monitor setup.
    25. No snap for detached tool menus.
    26. Inability to use multiple XL tables throughout a drawing.
    27. High price

    Overall I just love the program and look forward to committing myself
    to it. I guess I just expected this program to be a little more
    polished like Adobe or Macromedia software.

    Kerry Donnelly
    Radiowave Industries, Inc.
    sales, Apr 26, 2005
  2. sales

    jon_banquer Guest

    "6. Documentation, or lack thereof."

    When are CAD/CAM companies going to get the message and
    start spending more money and more time on documentation /
    tutorials ? What a sad state of affairs this is. How much
    longer are users going to waste hours / days / weeks trying
    to extract the power they paid for ? Why is this in anyway
    acceptable ?

    "17. Flaky performance."
    "18. Flakier stability."

    Not a problem for me in VX. Last version of VX 10 is like a
    rock when it comes to stability.

    "23. Inability to detach the feature manager and locate on
    another monitor."

    I'll try this in VX tomorrow and post how / if this works in
    VX. I can see where this would annoy the shit out of

    Do you still have the option of returning SolidWorks and getting
    VX instead ? :>)

    Why not download VX and try it to see how you like it compared
    to SolidWorks ? Run em side by side and see if you notice how
    much more enjoyable VX is to model with.


    jon_banquer, Apr 27, 2005
  3. sales

    Cliff Guest

    Well, it's a complex CAD bit of software ..... does lots of
    things ......

    Cliff, Apr 27, 2005
  4. sales

    RageX Guest

    How would I automatically filter this guy out when I'm reading google
    groups? He does (almost) nothing but talk about VX. I assume he's a
    regular troll and VX salesman or something?
    RageX, Apr 27, 2005
  5. sales

    Cliff Guest

    You cannot.
    Get a real newsreader & a real news server.
    Cliff, Apr 28, 2005
  6. sales

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Inability to detach the feature manager and locate on another

    Tried this today. No problem in VX 11 with VX Manager. In just one
    release VX has redone what I estimate to be 70 or 80 percent of it's

    jon_banquer, Apr 28, 2005
  7. sales

    RageX Guest

    Tell that to my employer. At work Google is my only way to access
    USENET posts. BTW, Google is pretty damn good for being free, and
    after seeing their free email service I wouldn't be surprised if they
    offered a nice kill-file-like feature.

    RageX, Apr 28, 2005
  8. sales

    Cliff Guest

    What you *can* do with
    http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search is
    to set a date range and use "without the words" wherein
    "without the words" might be something like "jon_banquer".

    Seems like a lot of bother to me though.

    Cliff, Apr 28, 2005
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