A message from the matrix

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Morpheus, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. Morpheus

    Morpheus Guest

    Hi Autodesk.

    I was strolling through the matrix one day, and I
    ran into my good friend Neo. He told me he was
    testing a new upgrade that would make him even
    more powerful than before, and that the machines
    wouldn't stand a chance against him then.

    But he told me about a problem he was having
    with his "curver". He said that after he enters
    the matrix, the following registry key is wrong:


    He said it was supposed to be set to this:


    But instead, it was set to this:


    He wanted me to tell you that you need to fix this before he
    goes back into the matrix.

    Morpheus, Jan 3, 2004
  2. Knock Knock ... Thank you East Madison Verizon customer, I have notified
    your administrator.

    Shaan Hurley, Autodesk, Inc., Jan 4, 2004
  3. Morpheus

    Morpheus Guest

    I am not sure you could actually tell the actual state or
    Shaan - It is technical issues like this that you need to avoid
    taking up with me, as your consistency for error is uncanny.

    At least 50 places in the registry dump show the path to the
    AutoCAD folder (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Neo).

    The customer has little-to-no understanding of the cause of
    the problem, so I don't think you're going to be hearing about
    it from them.
    Morpheus, Jan 4, 2004
  4. Tony Tanzillo,
    Are you the clandestine Morpheus poster who has knowledge of a possible NDA
    breach? Your IP matches exactly that of the poster and you are located in
    the same area as the IP traces to in NJ.
    So are you?

    Shaan Hurley, Autodesk, Inc., Jan 4, 2004
  5. Shaan - You shouldn't have to trace my IP address to
    figure out that I'm the poster, it was pretty obvious
    from the writing style.

    However, there was no NDA breach.

    When installing a beta of your product causes my
    product to fail with AutoCAD 2004, I have the right to
    provide my customer with support. Since I only asked
    them to show me the contents of certain registry keys,
    and from that deduced that they were using a beta
    copy of AutoCAD (which they didn't mention), it didn't
    require a PHD to figure out what was going on.

    There are lots of other problems that I didn't bother
    to mention, but given your behaviour, I probably won't.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 4, 2004
  6. And by the way, since I wasted about 2 hours of
    my time because my customer didn't tell me they
    were using Neo, who should I send the invoice to?
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 4, 2004
  7. Tony,

    Invoice yourself Morpheus <g>.


    Shaan Hurley, Autodesk, Inc., Jan 4, 2004
  8. Tony,

    Thank you for coming out of the Matrix. Given your past actions and denials
    of fact I thought I would at least be above board since you certainly were
    not. As for the implied problems, I am not sure you could actually tell the
    actual state or cause or if it is not the result of a beta and the names by
    a simple registry export as you certainly are not that psychic. Feel free to
    ask your customer to send in the issues to prevent any potential for your
    other customers from suffering.


    Shaan Hurley, Autodesk, Inc., Jan 4, 2004
  9. Thank you, but the fact that the name is there still does not provide enough
    detail for you to figure any defects or the cause which was my point. I
    would politely request that you report the problem with your application
    compatibility in a more detailed and straight forward way, not for Autodesk
    but think of your customer at least. Would there be defects in a beta, you
    bet but reporting them is part of the process in any unreleased application.
    I will double check the registry key you mentioned but wont bring myself to
    play your in your silly mud fight.


    Shaan Hurley, Autodesk, Inc., Jan 4, 2004
  10. Well, actually that's not the case.

    On a system with AutoCAD 2002 and 2004 installed,
    look at the registry and you will see the following
    keys under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:

    + AutoCAD.Application
    + AutoCAD.Application.15
    + AutoCAD.Application.16

    The first is the "default", and last two are specific
    to 2002 and 2004 respectively.

    Now, start AutoCAD 2002, and then close it. Then, look
    at the following registry key:


    The value will be "AutoCAD.Application.15".

    Then, run AutoCAD 2004, close it, and look at the
    value of the same registry key (if you keep RegEdit
    open, you will need to refresh the view), and you will see
    that it has changed to:


    In the customer's registry dump, there is another
    entry in the registry:


    It's pretty obvious what this is (the 2005 beta).

    However, regardless of what version of AutoCAD the
    customer used last (2004 or the 2005 beta) the value
    of the CurVer key is always "AutoCAD.Application.16".

    That is a defect, and the only thing I need to know
    to deduce that fact, is what version of AutoCAD was
    last used, and the registry dump.
    Unfortunately, not all "defects" are easily diagnosed
    or recognizable as such by the average beta tester.
    If that were the case, the customer would certainly
    have reported it to you, rather than call me to report
    to me that my application was broken.

    That's it. I spelled it out for you. Do with it what
    you wish.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 4, 2004
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