A Maxwell Wiki (it maybe worth starting a PhotoWorks version)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John Layne, May 5, 2006.

  1. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    I've just started a Maxwell Wiki which can be found at

    There is little content on it at the moment, contributions are very welcome.

    A PhotoWorks Wiki -- might be a good starting point for a virtual User
    Group - If anyone is willing to host it, I can provide some limited advice
    (limited that is by my lack of knowledge)

    A copy of the Maxwell forum post below

    " Well -- I'm not sure what I'm doing but I've just created a Wiki on my
    website for the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the Maxwell Render


    If this Wiki becomes popular (there is currently only 100Mb's available)
    I'll set up a new website to host it or transfer it to someone better
    qualified to run it, if not I'll delete it.

    The Wiki is essentially blank, at this point, except for a temporary Logo I
    have inserted into the upper left (my logo). The Logo should be changed,
    maybe a competition to create a Logo?

    The only rules (I can think of at the moment, open to suggestions):-

    1/ No copyright material used without permission.
    2/ Negative comments about members of Next Limit or other users will be
    deleted and the users name and IP address will be banned.

    There are three account types, limited description of rights follows:-

    User = edit pages (default)
    Sysop = delete undelete pages, lock pages
    Bureaucrat = can change a user into a Sysop

    All "A Team" members and Jdp (since it was his idea) will be granted
    Bureaucrat/Sysop rights if they PM me their Wiki login names. Others will be
    added to the Bureaucrats list by popular demand.

    WikiMedia User Guide

    Further reading on rights.

    Any advice on maintaining or adding features to the Wiki environment will be
    gratefully accepted."

    John Layne
    John Layne, May 5, 2006
  2. Nice one! I'm going to bookmark it as so far I'm getting diddly-squat from
    Maxwell - LONG render times just to preview stuff and fuzzy images.

    Have you got any Solidworks tutorials you'd like to share? I REALLY dont
    want to have to learn another interface etc, which was why I though Maxwell
    would be really good. I want to hit GO from Solidworks and not have to mess
    around in another environment......

    Look forward to reading the Wiki (what does it mean?)
    Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, May 5, 2006
  3. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    You can get renders with Maxwell straight out of SolidWorks-- but if you
    want to apply textures it's worth exporting to Studio. The texturing
    limitation is because of the crapy way SolidWorks handles textures and
    apparently even SolidWorks 2007 hasn't changed that.

    Maxwell does take a long time to render but the images are more realistic.
    Maxwell allows 4 cores per license i.e. a dual socket CPU machine with 2
    dual core CPUs installed or you can network render to reduce render times.

    I do plan on adding some SolidWorks tutorials at some stage when work slows
    down, someone else may get to it first.

    A Wiki is a publicly editable website / database "The simplest online
    database that could possibly work", log on and edit it with any web browser.
    A Wiki and this Wiki in particular will only work if people edit it on a
    continual basis, edits are easily undone if someone vandalizes a site and
    the user / IP address responsible is easily banned by a Sysop or Bureaucrat.

    This particular Wiki uses MediaWiki http://www.mediawiki.org the same Wiki
    Software that powers Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page I
    chose this particular Wiki software as the installation instructions were
    idiot proof :) I'm learning as I go.

    John Layne
    John Layne, May 5, 2006
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