A long request for help - changing CAD tools

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rich D, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Rich D

    Rich D Guest

    *****BEWARE - This is a long drawn out request for help***********

    I recently started a new job where they use IDEAS as the CAD tool of
    choice. Although they have this powerful tool, they do not use the 3D
    modeling aspect of it. They claim that it was not needed. So what they
    have is a lot of drawings with no model behind it. Some of the
    engineers are just starting to get into the modeling portion but there
    is no real library of part or assemblies that have been completed. I do
    not think the engineers really have a good sense of how to model with
    the tool since they have been repeatedly told to not use their AutoCAD

    Because many of our customers (95%) use Catia, we have a few licenses
    on hand to read in their files into IDEAS and create DXF files. They
    really do not have a good handle on 3D IGES, STEP or Parasolid files.

    So, I have been told that since I am new and "bring fresh new ideas" I
    can make some suggestions as to how to go forward. My first suggestion
    is to go start looking for a mid-range modeler since the designs can
    easily be done in that type of tool. I am going to suggest SolidWorks
    for several reasons:

    A) I'm biased to this tool

    B) Ramp up time

    C) Opportunity to package it with PDMworks, since they have no PDM
    system at this time

    D) Price vs. Catia or IDEAS - To that point, does anyone know what a
    seat of IDEAS costs? This would be a bare bones version, with modeling
    and drafting capabilities and maybe some FEA. I know the first thing
    going to be asked is $$$$$?????

    E) Most of customers have Catia and from what I have read in some other
    threads Dassault has a translator ImpactXoft (sp?) that works well
    between these two packages.

    F) Many of the vendors we have already use SolidWorks and working with
    them would be much easier.

    G) Finding experienced IDEAS CAD users in this area is not easy. They
    seem to gather around the Michigan (automotive) and Washington State
    (airplane) design centers. The company I am working for is a supplier
    to the airplane industry.

    H) It reads directly into another tool that we use extensively called
    Lectra. This would help out tremendously.

    I really do not want to debate the pros and cons of SolidWorks vs.
    other tools. What I would like to have is some help in putting together
    some type of presentation to show the head of engineering to convince
    him to even look at making a change.

    Any ideas where to start on this?

    Anybody have the opportunity to make a presentation to change culture
    at there place of employment?

    Any help would be appreciated

    Rich D.
    Rich D, Nov 25, 2005
  2. Rich D

    BoC Guest

    Analysis Points to Recognize & Learn About:

    1. You are in aircraft industry and that sets a major trend with CNC
    jobs being near universal.
    2. Suppliers use Catia & SolidWorks...Unigraphics
    3. Customer uses Catia...
    4. Virtually all CNC processes including Rapid Prototyping today need
    3D solids to be in existance to create the CNC toolpaths easily, so if
    speed counts...
    5. Assessing assembly design viability and clearances in 2D leads to
    lots of errors, and LOTS of time, compared to 3D solids.
    6. Stress and flow analysis built in to SolidWorks (or as high-end
    add-ins) can lead to better design decisions before the design is
    committed to first parts.
    7. Collaboration both internally and then external to your company is
    far easier with 3D solids.
    8. Non-CAD literate managers, sales, and manufacturing people can make
    excellent use of 3D solids review using eDrawings without any real
    9. Bills of Material are a lot easier inside of a 3D CAD assembly.
    10. Eliminating just a few mistakes in 3D, can save large sums of $s,
    if not even a customer.
    11. Sheet metal is a heck of a lot easier in 3D...& less prone to
    12. PDM will pay dividends.

    But...it takes comittment to do the training & implement it all.
    Hiring a SolidWorks Cert. Professional might make a lot of sense.

    BoC, Nov 25, 2005
  3. Rich D

    neil Guest

    are you sure about H)?
    neil, Nov 25, 2005
  4. Rich D

    Rich D Guest

    Thx for the input and I agree with you on the points mentioned. I
    replied with ******preceding my comments.

    Thx Again


    *********BoC wrote********
    Analysis Points to Recognize & Learn About:
    ******** I can use that as a selling point. UG is not really used by
    our vendors much.
    *********They never have sent 3D solid information to the vendor. The
    usually sent a drawings only and maybe some DXF files. Don't
    *********I think they are staing to realize this themselves.
    ********** Correct, and already mentioned to them.
    ********** Correct, and already mentioned to them.
    ********** Correct, and already mentioned to them.
    **********Since we ned to have BOMs and drawings tree assemblies
    created this will help.
    ********** Also gets the job done quicker because you are not checking
    your drawings for every single little dimension. The 3D solid has much
    of the information embedded.
    ***********They were using an archaic method to lay out the sheetmetal
    patterns sent to the supplier. I almost fainted when shown what they
    ***********Definitely. Presently there is no way to tie all the work
    together besides have many eyes checking.
    Rich D, Nov 25, 2005
  5. Rich D

    Rich D Guest

    Rich D, Nov 25, 2005
  6. Rich D

    Brad Guest

    Here in the Toronto area, there are many companies that design and sell
    parts to the auto industry. They are all fored to use I-deas, Catia,
    and UG by their clients. Most of them around here also use SolidWorks
    for internal drawings.
    One of the reasons I believe, is that SolidWorks shares data with other
    CAD systems so well. When we were looking, we found many CnC shops and
    protoype shops we dealt with were using SolidWorks for this same
    Brad, Nov 25, 2005
  7. Rich D

    neil Guest

    OK I see that import of native SW files is listed on p5 of the PDF.

    Looking at the optional Catia translator info though I think the file
    extensions are different.
    SW handles Catia as .cgr in/out - dumb parts for viewing...

    BTW sorry if I underestimated your enterprise in your last post - I thought
    you had a one off issue you wanted a soln for - we do our best to be helpful
    here :eek:)

    Next time I pass the local company I will drop in a copy of the Lectra PDF.
    They could sure use something like this...
    neil, Nov 25, 2005
  8. Rich D

    ken Guest

    I would recommend that you call your local UGS rep. Since Ideas is a
    UGS product, you could probably get an upgrade deal on either NX or Solid
    Edge. Both products have some ability to read in Ideas data. Lectra will
    also read Solid Edge native files, and if you need to continue with your 2D
    workflow for some reason, Solid Edge's 2D environment is very good. It will
    also read/write Catia model files.

    ken, Nov 26, 2005
  9. Rich D

    Rich D Guest


    The points you mentioned are good but here are my viepoints on the

    #1 - I-Deas is being merged with Unigraphics NX - Again, the company
    uses the tool in the same way that most people use AutoCAD. Their is
    very little in the way of models. Quite often I see people create the
    model and export it out as a DXF file so that it is "easier" to work
    with. They then throw away the model. I am not really concerned about
    loosing data in IDEAS.

    #2 Data Managment - I have seen PDMWorks in use before and have not had
    a problem with it. IDEAS does have a strong data management system but
    it only handles IDEAS files. I would want to put all electronic data in
    this system and use it as a central repository for documentation.

    #3 - I-DEAS has some of the best (if not THE best) analysis tools you
    can buy - If they used this tool, that would be a good argument. But,
    A) they really do not use it, and B) I could get the Cosmos in
    SolidWorks Office Professional package . I can find users out of
    college who have more exposure to this mush easier than the Nastran FEA
    package in IDEAS.

    #4 - Solidworks doesn't have data management - As mentioned, I would
    look prefer to go after the SolidWorks Office Professional package,
    which includes PDMWorks built in.

    #5 - I-Deas has first-rate 2D draughting capabilities - Now here is a
    point that I agree with you on. Because there are so much 2D drafting
    (sorry, I spell it the way of the Colonies) Solidworks may cause some
    heartache with the people trying to make quick 2D representation. If I
    can get the 2D drawings out of the equation, I probably can avoid this

    BTW, I just found out that resellers who represent UGS have been poking
    around where I work a couple of months ago trying to sell solidEdge.
    they pretty much had the same arguments I have outlined. Since they
    were from the outside, they were not received to well. they were given
    about an hour to explain their point. I was at another job at that time
    so I did hear their pitch. I know that they will probably be coming
    back very soon making another go at it. If I was here when they came
    around the first time, I would have agreed with them, begrudgingly.

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback. Your points helped

    Rich D, Dec 1, 2005
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