A funny thing on solidworks web site.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by VG, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. VG

    VG Guest

    VG, Oct 19, 2004
  2. VG

    Krister L Guest

    If I recall it right, we need to have a dongle to make it work, and in the
    Us you don't, guess they added up a little extra for that :)

    Krister L
    Krister L, Oct 19, 2004
  3. VG

    P Guest

    Some hypotheses:

    1. I think SW has to spend extra time translating the interface into
    the different languages.
    2. The quantity sold per language is less than English. Hey, wait,
    British English isn't that much more difficult than American English,
    yet the Brits are in the high rent zone also.
    2a. SW has to get the bits to drive on the left in Britain.
    3. European resellers get a bigger cut and give better service.
    4. The high taxes in Europe have to be paid somehow.
    5. SW is delivered in quality mahogany boxes instead of cardboard like
    in the USA.

    Do any of these resonate with anyone?

    P, Oct 19, 2004
  4. VG

    Brian Bahr Guest

    In China it is probably available on street corners for US 15.00$ :)

    Brian Bahr, Oct 19, 2004
  5. VG

    Krister L Guest

    yepp....but You have to add for the flight ticket

    Krister L
    Krister L, Oct 19, 2004
  6. Yes, but that would still be cheaper than what we pay in the UK!
    Peter Nichols, Oct 20, 2004
  7. That is sure, but you have another face of the answer (Britain). And I
    suppose that in order to sell in Canada, they have to translate it in French
    --> That's one of the mean reasons.
    I would not bet on that (better service...)
    Prices are given taxes excluded. Taxes are extra, only the final client pays
    for taxes.
    Traditionnal higher price of software, lack of competition. Agreements on
    prices (with competitors)?
    Jean Marc BRUN, Oct 20, 2004
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