a few questions

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by Jesper Kristiansen, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. OK, I purchased AutoSketch 9.0, and have now been using it for only 15
    minutes, and am already afraid it was a bad choice for me.

    Here are the first initial findings.

    When moving an object - entity, you have to keep the mouse button
    pressed. Is there a way to configure it so you select it, and then you
    can move it without keeping the button pressed, and when you click again
    it will place it ?

    The flyout tool bar, again, extremly annoying that yuo have to keep the
    mouse button pressed, it should fly out and stay until you either select
    a tool or click outside the toolbar, this is 'normal' windows behavior.

    angle ?, how can I draw a line 10" long at a 12.5 degree angle? if I use
    Line Angle, I HAVE to start from the end of an existing line, what if I
    want to draw it from just anywhere?.

    Line Angle - how can I modify the angle AFTER I have started drawing the
    line?, isn't there a way to jump to the edit field and type in the angle ?

    About point - since this is something you need to move all the time, is
    there a shortcut instead of right click ?

    Annoying beep - how to disable, I can't find it in any settings anywhere.

    Jesper Kristiansen, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Jesper Kristiansen

    Dave Guest

    When moving an object - entity, you have to keep the mouse button
    ++++Yes, look at the translate tool

    ++++Make your own custom toolbar with just the tools you want on it, so fly
    out menus aren't required.

    ++++Not really, just draw a line, anywhere, select and change the length and
    angle on the edit toolbar (which is blank until ++++ you select something)
    ++++Once a line is drawn, you can change the length, angle, start and end
    points on the Edit toolbar
    ++++ You gotta push something sometimes, this program dosen't use thought
    I'd suggest you spend a good 15 DAYS before you start jumping to
    There are lots of different uses for AutoSketch, and 15 minutes ain't
    nothing to be whinning about.
    Dave, Feb 11, 2005
  3. hmmmmmm so I have to select a tool to move it, what's the point in that,
    why would it work different from just click once and drag it?, should be
    that's gotta be one HUGE toolbar then. No one else finds this behavior
    annoying ?
    correct, I can do that, but can you do it without selecting the angle
    edit field with the mouse?, again, a short cut to go to that field would
    make it faster (less moving around with the mouse)

    I know I can do it when I'm done with the line, but it seems like the
    assumtion here is that you always knows your radius of your circle,
    angle of line etc BEFORE you draw, or is there a way to 'change your
    mind' while drawing. An example is "Circle Tangent 2", maybe I don't
    want my circle to be 24" once I start drawing it. It seems like I HAVE
    to decide before in order to get the circle tanget. If I change it
    afterwards, then the center point stays the same and the circle is no
    longer tangent to my 2 lines.

    a shortcut key is so much faster than rightclick, and once you place the
    about point, it doesn't remember the location, move the about point to a
    quadrant point on a circle, resize the circle from the radius edit field
    and your about point is no longer on the circle. unselect / select, and
    your point has been reset to center.
    You must be kidding, right?

    I agree 15 minutes is no a lot, but it's enough to show some serious
    "ease of use" flaws I think.

    Jesper Kristiansen, Feb 11, 2005
  4. Jesper Kristiansen

    Gadget Guest

    hmmmmmm so I have to select a tool to move it, what's the point in
    Admitidly it bugged me for a while that you can't drag entities simply by grabbing their lines, but it does save on accidental moving.
    Either R-click and move the 'about' point, then 'move it' to a convenient point before dragging, or use the 'translate' button. The other way I sometimes work is simply by double clicking the line, selecting an end node and moving it where I want, then changing the length/angle of the line.
    Just because the buttons you want are an extra click away? Yes - that's why I have an extra toolbars for the commands I use the most - sixteen buttons. I also have the trim toolbar visible; I don't need anything else. My workspace would be cluttered with unused buttons and toolbars if I wanted instant access to everything: that's the problem with feature-rich packages.
    two ways:
    - click line
    - click start
    - click end
    - click 'length' on toolbar
    - enter value
    - hit tab/click 'angle' on toolbar
    - enter value
    - click start
    - hit "R"
    - (assuming you are on "polar" mode - if not, click it)
    - enter length
    - enter angle
    - hit 'return' to confirm the end point and keep the dialogue open for the next start point
    - or click 'close'
    ?Hit "esc" and enter the start point again, or R-click? If you are using the 'circle' tool, you select the center point, then select the outer radius point - it's not "set" untill you hit 'enter' or click. If you do this and then want to re-size it, then you re-size it; I don't understand the problem.

    What are you wanting the package to do? If it can't work the way /you/ want it to - you have to work the way it's designed to; do this and productivity will increase, rather than battle to maintain the way you used to work and see productivity decrease.
    Gadget, Feb 14, 2005
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