A few feature tree tips (what the heck)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ed1701, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    I just thought I would share a couple of things picked up in the last
    year or so that overcame some aggravations with the feature tree in

    1) When I would try to reorder a feature to just under an expanded
    feature (an extrude, sweep, loft, or other sketch/curve based feature
    that has been expanded to show the absorbed curves) I would get one of
    those 'no smoking' signs indicating I couldn't drop it there.
    I used to curse, abort the drag, collapse the expanded feature (so the
    absorbed sketches/curves were no longer visible), so I could then drag
    and drop the feature I wanted to reorder.
    Well, I was a little chagrined when I accidentally learned that I was
    dropping at the wrong point. If I would try to drop below the absorbed
    sketches, I would get the no-smoking sign. If I went further and
    dropped the moving feature directly on the expanded FEATURE (not below
    its visible sketches/curves), the feature I was moving would reorder

    2) When in rollback, you can see all your features under the rollback
    bar, some of them with absorbed sketches/curves that you ought to be
    able to access. Those sketches/curves would be above the rollback bar
    if the feature tree were 'flat', allowing relations, sharing, or
    other uses if the feature tree were flat. But unfortunately they were
    sucked below the rollback bar by the feature that used them.
    The presence of the plus next to the rolled back features was a tease -
    clicking the '+' once to expand like in the regular tree doesn't
    show the absorbed item. So I would roll down, expand to show the
    absorbed sketches/curves, then roll back up to where I wanted to work
    so I could make the reference.
    I recently learned that you CAN expand features that are in rollback by
    DOUBLE clicking the + next to the feature. Depending on history, you
    can now easily access the absorbed items for references/sharing

    3) Similar to tip 2, when going into parent-child on a rolled back
    part, we only get to see the kids of the rolled back features, not the
    grandkids or the great grandkids below the rollback even though there
    are plusses next to the kids in the box. Well, yup, if you double
    click the plus next to a kid you can see what the grandkids, etc are.
    Downside - it doesn't show the same as if the part were not rolled back

    4) Lofts and sweeps absorb multiple sketches/curves. If you expand the
    feature and rollback somewhere in the midst of the absorbed
    sketches/curves you can get a "flat" representation of where those
    sketches/curves are in history.
    Unfortunately, you often can't drag an unused sketch or curve from
    higher in the tree into the middle of this flat history of previously
    absorbed curves to make references - you get another of those
    no-smoking signs.
    However, you CAN add a new feature when the rollback bar is in the
    middle of this flat representation (I use planes). You can then drag
    anything down to below the plane, reordering where you were not allowed
    to reorder just a second ago. When done, I delete the workaround

    5) Folders often mess with flat history of the tree mentioned in 4.
    Just suck it up and delete that folder, and you can get a true flat
    history. When done, remake the folder (Ctrl+C the name before
    deleting, then Ctrl+V into the new folder name to save typing)

    I'm sure a lot of the above is widely known, but I figured I would
    post it just in case it helps someone


    Speaking of saving typing - I thought I would save Wayne a little
    time :)

    "That's just too funny - WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? :))) I don't think
    I would
    ever admit to something quite that bad - too funny! (I know, paybacks
    hell.......) Hey, at least you know now, though. :))"

    (just kidding, Wayne)
    ed1701, Nov 17, 2006
  2. ed1701

    That70sTick Guest

    I'm working on a project that entails a lot of assembly-level features.
    I have had trouble with features that can not be reordered, in spite
    of no problems with parent-child relationships. Some of these are
    features have no reason to be difficult, i.e. datum axis defined by
    origin and "Front" plane.

    That70sTick, Nov 17, 2006
  3. ed1701

    TOP Guest


    Back in Orlando I was lobbying for a new feature tree that actually
    showed the true relationships of features by branching out
    horizontally as well as vertically. Several comments on the NG have
    seemed to point in that direction recently. The parent/child explorer
    gives a little better view of the interrealtedness of features and
    there is some functionality there. The current feature tree really
    doesn't capture the true connections between features nor does it point
    out which features are required parents and which are not.
    TOP, Nov 17, 2006
  4. Ahh, I love it when light bulbs come on, whether it be my room or someone
    else's. I knew about #1, but not the others. I just tried #2 and although
    I can double-click to make the sketch visible in the tree, I still could not
    convert that sketch into a new sketch that I was trying while rolled back.
    If I roll below that sketch, then I can select it to convert it, but the
    actual sketch circle will not show up for me in the graphics area if it's
    below the rollback bar. I'll have to watch for that one.

    Oh, and no, I don't think those were as bad as the Muggs light bulb... :)))
    (Thanks for the laugh this morning.)

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 17, 2006
  5. ed1701

    Jeff Guest

    In regards to the assembly feature tree and not being able to re-order
    things you should be able to, I discovered a couple days ago that you
    can get those arnry files that don't want to re-order or tell you they
    aren't contiguous, to go wherever you want by using the rollback
    state... say you've created 2 planes and were able to get them
    re-ordered above any parts/sub-assemblies you may have in your
    assembly, and you want to go place an axis in relationship to those 2
    planes... that axis then shows up below your "mates" folder and refuses
    to move above that folder giving you the not smoking sign... what you
    can do is, select one of the planes you created and right click it in
    the tree and select rollback (also can be done by dragging the rollback
    bar)... now re-create the stubborn axis and it will stay above any
    parts/assemblies you may have in your assembly, unless you move it...
    hope that makes sense, if not, i will try to explain again...

    Jeff, Nov 17, 2006
  6. ed1701

    ed_1001 Guest

    As long as we're on the topic, ever notice how you can get the "no
    smoking" sign when you should be able to reoder a feature? And then it
    reorders the feature anyway. Or you want to put a number of features
    in a folder, and you get an error message stating that one or more
    features cannot be put in the folder. Click "Ok" and all the features
    are moved anyway? Nice interface. Or not being able to move a feature
    into a folder for no apparent reason. Have to delete the folder and
    recreate. Usually happens with patterned features.

    Another gripe is not being able to move features en masse. You have to
    move each one idividually. What a pain in the a**.

    Ok, I'm done whining now. Been a bad Friday. SW has crashed
    ed_1001, Nov 17, 2006
  7. ed1701

    TOP Guest

    I think I get it. This amounts to recreating the axis prior to adding
    parts or mates. Seems to me that an axis can be dragged to the top if
    there is nothing depending on it. The most important reason to have
    reference geometry, layout sketches and envelope parts come first is
    that anything after the mates folder are resolved after the mates are
    resolved which can lead to the "double rebuild".

    Another trick along this line that it is absolutely essential is to
    pull the rollback bar up to the mates when mating in an assembly with
    patterned components. If you don't and accidentally mate to a component
    in a pattern don't bother calling tech support when your assembly
    starts behaving in a bizarre manner.

    P.S. arnry should be ornery
    TOP, Nov 18, 2006
  8. ed1701

    Bo Guest

    I have attempted in SWks 2006 to delete 1-2 dozen parts out of the
    Feature Tree of an assembly (after SAVE AS w/new name) so I could send
    a simplified smaller assembly to someone.

    Deleting multiple items one after the other resulted in a consistent
    crash. Had to save after each delete. One more glitch in the Feature

    Bo, Nov 18, 2006
  9. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    Wayne, I must not have made myself clear.
    You can access sketches if they *should* be available if they were not
    absorbed. It does not apply to any sketch whose proper place in
    history is below the rollback bar.
    The way to test - expand the feature (since its you, most likely an
    extrude :)) then rollback to between the sketch and the feature. This
    will show that sketches proper place in history in the tree.
    You can use #2 to access the sketch as long as the rollback bar is
    below that sketches proper place in the tree (from the above test). If
    your workflow is 1)make sketch 20make feature, you have no need for any
    tricks. If your workflow is 1)Make layout sketch 2)Make all sorts of
    features 3)use layout sketch later to make a feature, then it will

    Besides, don't all of your models have only 2-4 features (make plate,
    drill some holes, go get some barbecue for lunch?)

    ed1701, Nov 20, 2006
  10. ed1701

    Jeff Guest

    thanks for the spell check TOP :) they need one those thingies on
    here... whats weird about those ornery axis and planes, that refuse to
    move up the tree, is that their parents are above the
    parts/sub-assemblies in the assembly, so it should move no questions

    Jeff, Nov 20, 2006
  11. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    Aargh about sums it up. I'm glad I almost never need assembly features.

    other odd things -
    layout sketches in the assembly appear below the mate groups, yet I can
    mate to lines in the layout sketch (which is good to me). Your post got
    me thinking, and yup, even if the assembly is rolled back before the
    sketch (so I can't access the sketch) the mate is hunky dory - I just
    can't edit it. Not a big deal - just an odd curiosity. Why rollback
    at all?

    One sore point for me is that when doing a parent/child on a sketch at
    the assembly level, it always reports no kids. Isn't a mate to that
    sketch a kid of that sketch feature? Aren't any in-context references
    by components children of that sketch feature? I hate it when I see a
    lot of sketches in an assembly because I have no way (that i know of)
    to tell if they are critical layouts or if they are throwaway sketches
    used to interrogate the asm or jot down an idea.
    ed1701, Nov 21, 2006
  12. ed1701

    JJ Guest

    Why only use a feature tree ony for features and not for sketches, so
    all sketch entities (also blocks) are sorted nicely??

    Kind regards,

    JJ, Nov 21, 2006
  13. ed1701

    John H Guest

    So are you saying that if, for example, you have a stack of shims which you
    have created witha component pattern, that you can't (reliably) make a
    coincident mate to the end shims?

    John H
    John H, Nov 21, 2006
  14. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    The seed shim, yes - ought to be bombproof. If not, yell a lot.
    Mating to the last shim is risky - what would you expect to happen if
    you decide that instead of three shims, you need four? Should the
    mate be to the last one, or still be to the third one?
    In those cases, where things are still in flux, rebuilding is more
    predictable (in my experience) when you mate to a sketch describing the
    boundary of the shim stack, and use an equation to divide the length of
    the sketch boundary by the number of shims to drive the pattern

    ed1701, Nov 22, 2006
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