A drawing with a table that has dimensions linked to the part/assembly?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bullman, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Bullman

    Bullman Guest


    I am looking at creating a general table in a drawing that have cells
    that are dynamically linked to the dimensions within a part or
    assembly. In thsi case a I creating a "nozzle table" that has bore
    size, height and orientation of the nozzles on an assembly of a tank.

    To make things easier, I have made all the dimesnions of interest
    exist within a single sketch within an assembly.

    I thought I had done something like this before but I'm kind of stuck.

    Any clues?


    Bullman, Oct 29, 2007
  2. Bullman

    Bullman Guest

    Thanks John H

    Not exactly what I am after but useful nonetheless.

    Still trying to get a definitive answer on this one.
    Bullman, Oct 30, 2007
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