A drawing supplied or not?, that is the question!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pete, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. pete

    pete Guest

    Using Box section

    In a drawing document, of an assembly, I have a parts only BOM.
    In this BOM, is a column, called Length and this value is linked to the
    extruded value.

    Ok so far.

    Some of the parts have holes, drilled and tapped holes, other cuts etc...
    and some don't.
    There are drawings for the parts with these added extra's, but for the
    "plain" parts, whose length, can be shown in the assembly drawing, there are
    no drawings.

    What I would like to do, is provide a column in the BOM, stating if, (or if
    not), there is a drawing for that part.

    Y or N in simple terms or Y and a blank cell for no drawing provided.

    Can this be done?

    Many thanks
    pete, Jul 30, 2007
  2. pete

    That70sTick Guest

    I wouldn't monkey with components to force this info into a BOM. This
    information belongs elsewhere, such as in a work order or purchase
    That70sTick, Jul 30, 2007
  3. pete

    TOP Guest

    By default there is nothing in a part to tell it that it has a
    drawing. You could make a custom property with this information in
    which case you would be responsible for keeping it current. By rights
    this sort of thing is in the realm of a PDM system to populate the

    TOP, Jul 30, 2007
  4. pete

    pete Guest

    Thanks Top,

    We have PDMworks, but this information, is for the guy on the shop floor.
    He just wants to look at the BOM, and know, what parts needs holes and what
    This is a project with lots of similar parts, and it would be a lot easier,
    to look at the BOM and see what is just cut and what requires extra work.
    pete, Jul 30, 2007
  5. pete

    engr-D Guest

    If you are not dealing with large assemblies, it is pretty simple to
    do it manually. Create a custom property called "Drawing" and fill in
    a value of "Y" or "N" for as applicable for each part. (Make the new
    propery part of your part template if you will use it often) Insert a
    new column in your BOM and set it to the "Drawing" custom property.
    Save you new BOM as a template, and you can use it again.
    engr-D, Jul 30, 2007
  6. pete

    pete Guest

    Thanks Tick,

    But I can't see your reasoning.
    The guys on the shopfloor has requested this information.
    The BOM is on the drawing supplied to these guys.
    This would save me, extra work too, lol
    pete, Jul 30, 2007
  7. pete

    pete Guest

    Thanks eng-D,

    That does work engr-D, but this is a huge assembly, with lots of parts.

    pete, Jul 30, 2007
  8. pete

    j Guest

    In each of the parts you could have configurations. With those
    configurations have a configuration specific custom property that would
    have the size listed for those parts that have drawings and the ones
    that don't make the custom property but put a space in for the size.
    j, Jul 30, 2007
  9. pete

    That70sTick Guest

    so.... put the info on the shop order and have the shop floor read the
    shop order (like he should be doing anyhow)

    My current client has a fair number of drawing-less components (cut
    boards, etc.). All the shop guys know where to find the cut
    information in the MRP system.
    That70sTick, Jul 30, 2007
  10. pete

    Bill Briggs Guest

    Are you trying to automate this so that the designer does not have to
    enter the information manually? Also, do you have existing Drawings
    with Boms that need to be updated to have this information added to

    A custom feature could be added to recognize if a drawing is not
    required and it could update the custom property automatically.
    A custom program could be written to update existing drawings adding
    the column to the BOM and opening the parts and adding the custom
    Bill Briggs, Jul 30, 2007
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