"A better experience for customers!"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by horatio.hornblower, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. What could it be? An interface that doesn't reorganize itself from
    release to release? Some new feature that only Inventor has? Perhaps
    a fancy new Web Noodle? A non-imploding fastener library, pray tell?
    Could it be they have fixed the odd bug or two which remain after
    releases of intense testing and fixing?

    Wake up. This is a savvy corporation that understands that marketing
    genius is the only true measure of a man. Content? Bosh. Packaging,
    people, packaging. A better experience indeed.

    Starting with SOlidWorks 2006 SP2.1 all CDs in new product shipments
    are in a single DVD" case as opposed to individual clamshells. New
    seats serial numbers, previously located on the product box, are now
    placed on this "DVD" case This new packaging provides a better
    experience for customers. (New)

    horatio.hornblower, Jan 6, 2006
  2. horatio.hornblower

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Ahoy HornyBlower,

    Aye, If only the world would standardize on Dvds so a sea dog would not
    have t' lug a menagerie o cd's across the globe....

    cadPIRATE, Jan 6, 2006
  3. horatio.hornblower

    SoCalMike Guest

    I remember completing one of the survey monkey surveys where it asked
    how I would perfer to receive future version. I voted for 1 DVD. I
    can only imagine that a majority also asked for DVD, and they went that
    route. As simple of a change as this may seem, its nice to see they
    SoCalMike, Jan 6, 2006
  4. Dear Admiral Horatio Hornblower,

    I date myself to say that I listened to the original radio program when I
    was 5 yrs old. My older brothers were hooked on it. I vividly remember
    Admiral Hornblower warning the captain of the Spanish warship he caught up
    with to "heave to now, or you will join your crewmen in the afterlife!"

    You have assumed a great name, live up to it lad. Take out a few Autocad or
    Solidedge users.

    A Hornblowing seaman forever,

    Dennis Deacon, Jan 7, 2006
  5. except that this is not data on a DVD disk, it's CDs in a DVD box (like
    a movie box).
    horatio.hornblower, Jan 7, 2006
  6. horatio.hornblower

    Jason Guest

    Man, I totally missed that. Guess it wishful thinking. They should just
    bite the bullet and use DVDs.
    Jason, Jan 9, 2006
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