650C cutter problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cindy, May 7, 2004.

  1. cindy

    cindy Guest

    My designjet 650C has just started doing this. When a plot is finished
    and the pen carriage grabs the cutter carriage and cuts off the plot
    it does not return the cutter carriage all the way to the end of the
    slide bar, it leaves it about a 1/4" shy of the end. This causes the
    pen carriage to inadvertendly grab the cutter at some point during the
    next plot and cut off the paper. I have found that if after every plot
    I lift the cover and shove the cutter carriage that final 1/4" to the
    end of the bar it will not do this. Needless to say having to do this
    after every plot is a pain. Does anyone know what could be causing
    this and how to fix it. Thanks in advance.
    cindy, May 7, 2004
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