64bit Solidworks routing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jwags818, May 15, 2006.

  1. jwags818

    jwags818 Guest

    Is anyone here using routing in Solidworks 64?
    We have recently bought a system with XP64 on it and Solidworks is
    crashing EVERYTIME I open a part from an assy file with routing turned
    on. I can open the parts from the file menu just fine. But open them
    from an assy or from the design library and Solidworks takes a dump
    I would appreciate any confirmation on this or if anyone is using
    routing on a 64 bit sustem without issue, that would also be of help.

    Thank you
    Please email me directly at


    jwags818, May 15, 2006
  2. jwags818

    mbiasotti Guest

    Jeff, I've informed the developer and Project Manager about this. We
    would like to look into your issues closer but need you to contact us.
    Can you please send me your email message so that we might take a
    closer look at your x64/routing issue.

    Mark Biasotti
    Product Manager
    mbiasotti, May 17, 2006
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