/3GB switch - how to enable it and a memory leak.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P, May 14, 2004.

  1. P

    P Guest

    I enabled this by using

    4\3gb after /fastdetect in the boot.ini

    This works fine.

    With one model I am finding that SW will terminate when virtual memory
    reaches about 2.6GB. I have 2GB installed and my pagefile is 2GB
    giving total virtual memory of 4 gb. When SW reaches about 2GB of
    physical ram then physical memory usage starts to go down while
    virtual memory usage continues to go up. Setting pagefile to 4GB
    delays this a bit.

    The other interesting thing is what is causing this memory usage. I
    have a simple part with four features. I am making jpegs using Joe
    Jones animation techniques by running a macro and writing a jpeg each
    time I change something in my model. When I run the macro just to the
    screen (by commenting the SaveAs4 call there is no great drain on
    memory. But with the SaveAs4 call enabled SW steadily eats up memory
    till it terminates. Has anybody else seen this?
    P, May 14, 2004
  2. P

    kellnerp Guest


    Thanks. I adjusted my pagefile to 4 GB and that helped a bit. I never
    thought to make min and max slightly different. I think that the 3GB switch
    still has a limit of 3GB and from what I understand SW will usually bomb
    before the limit because it must grab contiguous memory.

    I guess the thing that is really aggravating is that SW bombs at all. One
    would think gracefully running out of memory would be high on their
    priority list.
    kellnerp, May 16, 2004
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