3dDWF Data during publishing in AutoCAD2006

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nermeen Bakr, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. Nermeen Bakr

    Nermeen Bakr Guest


    I tried to use the AcPublishReactor and AcDMMReactor to control the data of
    a published DWF file it worked fine with 2D dwf's but i failed to do it with
    3dDWF.So can any one tell me how could i edit the 3ddwf data of a dwg file
    during the publishing operation as i want to change some of the default
    values.i.e i want to add a certain name to the entity instead of the handle.
    How could this be done?Hint i am using Autocad2006 where 3dDWF is supported
    through the 3ddwfpublish command.

    Thanks in advance.

    Nermeen Bakr
    Project Manager
    MCS (Modern Computing Services)
    Website: http://www.mcsoil.com
    Phone: +2 02 4036520 /+202 4051129
    Fax: +2 02 4040503
    Nermeen Bakr, Apr 3, 2005
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