3DContentCentral part hoses Assembly (?)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Whit, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. Whit

    Whit Guest

    Very strange 'coincidence' happened the other day. I needed a human size
    model to place in an assembly to get an idea of scale. I went to
    3dcontentcentral, registered, and DL'ed the 2001+ version of MAN 2, 4th
    down on the Human page, in the Misc Folder of the User Library. I opened
    the MAN, it's a single part file in 2003sp4 and Saved. Next I inserted
    it into the large assy file, after placing one mate, I got mate errors
    in just about every subassy in this file, deep ones that had *nothing*
    to do with the most recent mates.

    After about 30 minutes of trying to find the problem, and well after
    deleting the MAN from the assy, I gave up and resorted to the backup
    from the day before, loosing about 4 hours work.

    As I was shutting down there were numerous errors in SWX which prevented
    me from closing it the normal, proper way- I had to kill it thru the
    Task Manager.

    I like the idea of a user library for parts like this, but it's not
    likely I'll be back after an episode like that.

    Anybody ever seen anything like that or had any other problems with

    BTW- anyone have a simple human model that works they could share?

    Whit, Sep 18, 2003
  2. Whit

    A.Peterson Guest

    Could it be that the MAN was "fixed" and as soon as you entered a mate all
    the fully defined parts in the assembly showed errors?

    A.Peterson, Sep 18, 2003
  3. Whit

    Whit Guest

    Ooo, I'd feel pretty stoopid if that were the case.

    But I'd Inserted many parts in this assy above/before 'him', none of them came
    in 'fixed'. In fact I've never (in about a year of SWX) seen any part after the
    first in an assy come in 'fixed'.

    Can this happen?
    Whit, Sep 18, 2003
  4. Wayne Tiffany, Sep 18, 2003
  5. Whit

    Whit Guest

    True, I could have spazzed and done that by accident, I've done it plenty of
    I've seen it when mates get confused, and all heck breaks loose, but usually
    simply deleting the part that just caused it will make things right again.
    That's true, I did get Homer Simpson to work fine, he's just a little
    shorter and wider than many of our operators ;o)
    I do *try* but I'm sure some of you guys would cringe at some of the things I
    do. Very little 'formal' edumication in SWX, mostly what I try to pick up
    lurking here.

    I've still got the 'man' in my Recycle Bin if anyone wants to take another
    look, time constraints on this end, I gotta keep pushing forward.

    Whit, Sep 18, 2003
  6. Whit

    A.Peterson Guest

    I don't know about a part can come in fixed, maybe some kind of smartmate?
    I've run into it with subassemblies brought in and dissolved. We have huge
    libraries of subassemblies and every now & then I'll insert one where the
    first item wasn't switched to "Float". It's always a shock when you hit
    Dissolve and a sh*t load of red flags appear!
    A.Peterson, Sep 19, 2003
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