3d view rotate issue

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by jeo, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. jeo

    jeo Guest

    Hi, I got a problem using microstation 3D: when I try to make a fit
    view (as top, left or other option) everything dissapear on my
    screen(as I could have very distant objects). I tried to find if I have
    objects too far away but I didn't find anything. I cannot make a fit
    view extended. Can anyone help me?

    jeo, Jul 27, 2006
  2. jeo

    Manisha Guest


    There are different options for Fit View command like
    If reference is attached to your master dgn and it is located too far
    from master dgn then Fit View>All can make the situation happen as you
    Just try Fit>Dgn option from the coomand GUI.

    Manisha Bhole.
    Manisha, Jul 27, 2006
  3. jeo

    jeo Guest

    Thanks, Manisha,

    I tried but it doesn't work. Finally I exported the dgn file as dwg in
    autocad and apparently there are some objects outside the design cube.
    When I try to place a fence in that area I cannot. I tried to modify
    the GO but it didn't work. I was a little surprised why I cannot place
    a fence. I tried to delete by clip or void but nothing happened.
    Surprisengly is that when I opened the file as read only but with
    Microstation 8 the fit view works well; I forgot to mention I use
    microstation J and I have to use only this version so I am a little
    frustated. I would apreciate your advice.

    jeo, Jul 31, 2006
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