3D to 2D

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Wanda, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Wanda

    Wanda Guest

    Today I attempted to convert a 3D drawing to 2D several times. When I opened
    the 2D file there were elements everywhere except where they should have
    been. Other objects don't display at all. I tried converting with 'Preserve
    Z range' turned off & again with it turned on, it didn't make any difference
    at all. What am I doing wrong?

    Also, part of my drawing consists of C sections of metal that support a
    frame, braces are bolted diagonally accross the frame from the top hole of
    one leg to the bottom hole of another. How do I draw or rotate the brace so
    that it's holes are aligned with the support legs?
    Wanda, Oct 21, 2003
  2. Wanda

    Wanda Guest

    Forgot to mention that I'm using Microstation J
    Wanda, Oct 22, 2003
  3. Have you checked which view you are converting? It may not be saving the top

    Dennis Barker
    Innovision Technologies Pty Ltd
    Sydney Australia
    Dennis Barker, Oct 22, 2003
  4. Wanda

    Wanda Guest

    Yes, I tried both the front & right views. What do you mean by "it might not
    be saving the top"?
    Wanda, Oct 22, 2003
  5. I just assumed you might want the plan (top) view. But as long as you are
    aware the there is a way to control the exported view by selecting the
    appropriate view number in the export dialog.

    The only other thing I can imagine might affect it is an active ACS or even
    Accudraw rotated at an odd angle when you go to save.

    Is the resulting erroneous 2D geometry always the same, even when you
    nominate the different views?

    Dennis Barker
    Innovision Technologies Pty Ltd
    Sydney Australia
    Dennis Barker, Oct 23, 2003
  6. Wanda

    Wanda Guest


    Thanks for attempting to help me.
    Wanda, Oct 23, 2003
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