3d scetch whoes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by A Rasmussen, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. A Rasmussen

    A Rasmussen Guest

    Hello All,

    I've been rather frustrated with the innabilities of 3d-scetches. They
    are pretty handy in ceratin situation, but they seem to lack some
    basic functinallity. Specifically, the select midpoint option, mirror,
    and circles/arcs . There are workarounds for all of these, but it
    doesn't seem like it would too much to ask to have these features
    directly. Anyways, it seems like somewhat of a waste to have a
    3d-sketch ability without some (what seems like to me anyways) fairly
    basic features.

    It also seems that sw2005 is rather unstable when it comes to 3d
    scetches. I have had about 6 crashes today, all while creating

    Anyways, just my rant for the day.

    A Rasmussen, Oct 8, 2004
  2. A Rasmussen

    P. Guest

    I agree.

    How about, equal relationships, planarity relationships (similar to
    collinear in 2D), angular dimensions between elements with the planarity
    relation, standalone circles, arcs, ellipses, etc.

    As it is, 3D elements in SW seem to be stuck on requiring some sort of local
    cartesian coordinate system based on the last planar element.
    P., Oct 9, 2004
  3. A Rasmussen

    That70sTick Guest

    Definitely rant-worthy.

    I especially hate the lack of midpoint constraint. How do you do it?
    I end up constructing a "truss" of lines and using parallel constraints
    to create similar triangles that find the midpoint of a 3D sketch line.

    Symmetry would be tough, as it would require a plane definition.
    Perhaps 3D sketch could actually add a sketch-specific plane or CSYS
    entity (UG has something like this).

    Lack of plane definition is probably what prevents them from
    implementing 3D sketch arcs and planes. Sometimes I can get by making
    That70sTick, Oct 11, 2004
  4. Yep, similar to the other wants, I've requested more support for
    3DSketch and hopefully others will as well.
    Definite needs for more functionality here!
    And, yep, SW2005sp0 is unstable with 3DSketches!

    It's funny, the earlier beta's and prerelease's were more stable than

    Paul Salvador, Oct 13, 2004
  5. A Rasmussen

    rocheey Guest

    It also seems that sw2005 is rather unstable when it comes to 3d
    I dont think its '05... I crash that much on 3d sketches in 04 as well :/

    But the PARALLEL constraint gives much more power than in 2D ....
    rocheey, Oct 13, 2004
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