3D Roof

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Diego F. Muñoz, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Can someone give me a few ideas on how to create a sophisticated 3d roof in
    AutoCAD. I have different pitches, levees and dome roof.
    Diego F. Muñoz, Jan 13, 2007
  2. Diego F. Muñoz

    SunnyB Guest

    3d polyline to make a sloped plane.
    3dpolyline, pt1 (LL), pt2 (LR), pt3 (UR) pt4 (UL) c (close)
    Menu "Draw" / Region, <pick objects>, Select 3dPolyline.

    This makes a sloped plane that can be hatched with shingles or whatever.

    Same for other slopes.

    SunnyB, Jan 20, 2007
  3. e-mail:

    Solid modeling may be your solution.

    I model every design I do using ADT 2006, and I use solids for all my roof

    I could e-mail you a some examples of roof systems.

    solids work well in ADT, the program can interpret the solid object as if it
    were a parametric object.

    All of ADT commands I use to create sections, floor plans, and elevations
    interpret both parametric, and solids.

    I have found solid modeling to be a very useful tool.
    Patrick Doran, Jan 29, 2007
  4. I am from India, I have done approx 40-45 models in acad for print
    them into a 3d printer. they consists of different pitches, levees and
    dome roof, heap roof etc. I can tell you that. You have to take some
    sections from the roof such as one is from front and other is from
    left extrude them as per your roof structure. after that slice and
    delete all the unnecessary part from the extrude protion. go to
    commend "shell" and hollow the roof removing the lower part. you will
    get the roof. One impotant thing is that can you draw the roof only
    with the lines in 3d? If you can do that you get the actual path of
    creating roof. If you have ay moe problem let me kow at
    CAD Solid Model, Feb 17, 2007
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