3D Polylines and Named Plot Styles not working

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TravisE, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. TravisE

    TravisE Guest

    Hopefully someone has an idea about this.

    Have a large swath of topography. Most of the lines are simple polylines. A
    few are 3D Poly. I am applying a Named Plot Style to the entire drawing that
    converts it all to a gray color (for xref into a geology map). All of the 2D
    polylines look good (gray) in paperspace (and on paper), but none of the 3D
    polylines change their color to gray -- they all stay their original item
    color (in paperspace and on paper).

    I changed the plot style for all items to "ByLayer" and changed the plot
    styles for all layers to a style within my custom stb file. The style within
    the stb file dictates a gray color.

    Even tried directly applying my plot style to the 3D polylines. ACAD says
    those lines now use my plot style, but none of them appear any different.
    All still have color.

    For one drawing, I could easily just change the item color. But I have 20 to
    30 of these to work with. Huge waste of time to individually edit the lines.

    Is there something I'm missing when applying the named plot style?

    Thanks in advance...

    TravisE, Feb 22, 2005
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