3D polyline from Points.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Yves, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. Yves

    Yves Guest

    Following my last post concerning 3dFaces.

    Now I need to go throu each 3dFace, and "look" if it intersect a specific
    Northing, it's done, and it gives me points.

    But I would like to create a 3DPolyline with those points, I can't use them
    in the order they are created, I would need to sort the points so the
    Polyline won't look as if it goes randomly between all the points.

    Yves, Dec 9, 2004
  2. Looks like you need Land Desktop.
    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 9, 2004
  3. Yves

    DRW1975 Guest

    It sounds like you are trying to cut a profile through a 3dmesh (face), is that right?
    Do you really need a 3dpolyline? by the sound of the description, an lwpolyline would do since you will be only in one plane as defined by your "northing" intersection.

    Next, what i would do is sort through the list of your intersection points, from say most westerly, to most easterly. Then connect the dots.

    Have I misunderstood what you are asking?

    Another way you could possibly do it is if you section your 3dface (extrude it first, then union ect..). I haven't tried this for VBA, but that is how I would create a profile from the command prompt...

    DRW1975, Dec 12, 2004
  4. Yves

    Yves Guest


    It worked with sorting, but I relied on Excel to do the job, no need to
    create an algorithm!

    When sorted I can still use a 3d Poly.

    I don't know about extrude, union...
    Yves, Dec 22, 2004
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